Thursday, May 11, 2017

Future of Syria in Bible Prophecy - Satans Kingdom On Earth

 Three and a half years of peace and then all hell breaks lose for three and a half years and then Christ will return with his army of the saints they all will come and destroy the armies of the luciferian  New World Order government and the peoples marked 

The shadow government aka international bankers and their economic system has worked diligently to bring in the dictator nations and tyrannical nations into the UNITED NATIONS fold. By using the   dialectic military plan to destroy then rebuild in their image these countries.

           Turkey is the seat of Satan. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Libya Egypt, Russia, Iran, Korea and China, the serpent nations partner to take out America. America is removed from the New World Order - 10 major cities will be nuked and the financial system will be destroyed so it can not protect Israel. 

             To survive in America one will need to be west of any Nuclear Power Plants down wind radiation flows.  Valleys that have little rains that carry down the nuclear radiation. High enough elevation where the aquifers are not poisoned and toxic. Staying in the cities will mean sure death and suffering. 

              Obviously if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and King, your spirit will live in heaven for all eternity.  As a christian your commission is to share this message  the SALVATION MESSAGE so people can make that choice for themselves. Everyone is appointed a time to die. And each of us does not know when that time is, so are you ready spiritually to meet Jesus and live in heaven ? Accept Christ and be forgiven for all your chosen mistakes. Confess to Jesus and ask him to forgive you.  2017 - 2045 so theres little time left.

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