Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hegelian Dialectic

Create the problem, then offer the solution. 

Repeat over and over until desired results are obtained. 

This is their reality inflicted upon you. 

Bread and circus for the masses. 

Like Herman Goering said, It is good for us rulers that the common people do not think on their own !

he common man does not think.First described by Enlightenment German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the Hegelian Dialectic is a engineered mechanism to arrive at a final truth or conclusion that the cooperative or network or corporate leaders desire. 

Right now you probably use the Aristotelian method for arriving at truth, which is to observe all the facts of the situation and then make the most logical conclusion based from those observations. 

Hegel explained a process where truth is instead arrived through the friction and conflict between one force (the thesis) and its opposite (the antithesis). The final result from that engineered clash, the synthesis, is the best conclusion, for the corporation. 

In all reality, the synthesis is not the final and absolute truth. 

It becomes the new thesis where a new antithesis forms to oppose it. 

The conflict between them leads to a second synthesis. This process repeats until the final synthesis is revealed, which theoretically is absolute truth. 

And once again it becomes the new thesis where a new antithesis forms to oppose it. 


MANY OF YOU TENANTS ARE MERELY STUPID GENERALLY USELESS PAWNS, in a cog of a bigger wheel and agenda.  So long as you GO ALONG to GET ALONG your life in Public Housing is assured for a little bit longer, but understand YOU ARE EXPENDABLE so plan ahead for that day to come. 

And because you are so easily lead by the nose, by your dicks and by your greed - those with criminal minds, immoral hearts, wicked minds and souls, the City leadership, well trained in such management techniques easily manipulates you and uses you to their ends, for their gains, and controls, and in making you and others mere pawns. 

Much of their leverage is kept over you because you are losers and you lie cheat and steal and have gotten caught once if not several times. Dont feel bad they use the same techniques to recruit traitors and make traitors in politics as well as the FBI, CIA, DOJ as well as the IRS and the State Department. The  Hegelian Dialectic has been used for centuries gone by, to turn enemy spies into double agents.

I played their silly game in round one. They expected me to be beholden to them - fuck that, as they are not as powerful as my God. I worship no female nor anti christ spirited leadership person(s), nor bow down to their will and especially when their will is not Gods will and of his make up. Hypocrites easily show their true colors and then they lie upon lie upon lies, to cover their asses and choices. Feminists and homosexuals are the worst.

In plain terms, the Hegelian Dialectic is the battle of two extremes to get a result that is somewhere in the middle

That result will develop an opposing force of its own and the ensuing battle yields another result. 

The objective reality we have right now has incorporated within it all previous “battles” of thesis and antithesis since the beginning of time, meaning that—according to the theory—we are living in a progressive arc to absolute truth and world perfection. When in reality, it is a system that layers adds layers and weight upon its self it becomes its own destroyer to its self. For it lacks balance and semmetry and truth.

The nation dialectic Hegel proposed his dialectic as a natural way of arriving at the truth, but had in mind that the nation itself was the vehicle to create new syntheses. Like most Enlightenment thinkers, he threw god away and made the nation-state god instead. The modern elite has taken this a step further by pre - determining a synthesis (a specific agenda) and then ' developing events ' that arrive at that synthesis through artificial means. 

This is why your PUBLIC HOUSING AT THE CLARK HOUSE IS RAN SO POORLY AND UNPROFESSIONALLY -  3rd world culturally born person placed in their non traditional environment and dictated to most every move and decision until they are trained up in the HITLER STALIN tyrannical ideology - the State is God !  Using people and tenants as their pawns to leverage to manage a few or a group to do their will, and will continue the agenda until their goal is reached to their satisfaction and the truth nor the law is required nor observed by them. 

And when the light is shone upon their twisted perverse way of management their stories and reasoning and rationale keeps changing and blending and add a few adjectives and nouns and well-a a some what coherent story and bi-line. Remember these are women in leadership roles and they dont have to make sense when they are following their feelings ' Because feelings are truth in the politically correct arena. ' 

Dont respect my feelings then you are a criminal and an abuser lol. and thats a fact. You are slandered and lied about and driven out. 

Revenge is mine saith the Lord !  And I'll be around some where to see the end result I am sure.

Here are two Hegelian loops we may be currently living through: 

Problem (thesis): Russia refuses to enter the New World Order Reaction (anti-thesis): Destabilize Ukraine and Syria, forcing Russia to act aggressively Solution (synthesis): Create pretext for removing Russian leadership and installing Western rulers, 

Problem: Nationalism in Europe Reaction: Allow millions of Afro-Islamists Solution: Strengthening of United Nations and European Union to “protect” people from social unrest People use the dialectic in their own lives when trying to solve problems: 

Problem: Not receiving enough attention 
Reaction: Invent drama, catastrophes, diseases 
Solution: Receive attention from family, friends, strangers 

What the ruling elite does, and have been doing for centuries, is create reactions which requires solutions they had wanted all along. The reaction (e.g. 9/11) puts citizens in a state of fear and anxiety that allows easily implementation of the solution without resistance. Would Americans have protested the Patriot Act more strongly if 9/11 had never occurred? They’d probably laugh at its proposal, just like how they laughed at George W. Bush’s attempts to privatize Social Security at the start of his second term. 

Many of us are already aware of what the elite is doing to society in order to maintain control. 

The Hegelian dialectic allows us to see how they are doing it, adding an important piece of the puzzle to more easily recognize their authoritarian schemes. 

Whenever a crisis occurs that politicians, governments, world organizations like the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, US Fed, or countless other quasi-governmental entities have a solution for, three things are certain: 
1. Their solution will not solve the original problem. 
2. The problem was possibly created themselves in order to introduce their desired “solution.” 
3. The engineered process of Problem-Reaction-Solution is reducing your liberty and making you more dependent on the state. 

Your PUBLIC HOUSING IS MISMANAGED - PERIOD. Short term solutions with long term problems created by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT aka HUD ! Eventually a town is so over ran with federally funded projects it is doomed to bankruptcy and receivership by the Bankers - aka -  your land is their land, your town is their town, their laws is your suffering slavery.

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