Sunday, April 21, 2019

Social Media Capitalism 

List of International Nation States Declaration Of Independence ;

Filipino revolutionary forces under General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of Spain.

Philippine Independence Day, celebrating the signing of the Treaty of Manila, which granted Philippine Independence from the United States of America in 1946 . 

See Treaty provisions ;

Texas does not draw its authority from the United States or the United States Constitution, but from its status as a dual sovereign within the union,” Jeffrey C. Mateer, first assistant attorney general, wrote in a letter Monday to the House Oversight and Reform Committee. “Congress doesn’t get to do oversight over states — period. Nor can they compel action by state officers,” Supreme Court cases have held that Congress can’t “commandeer” a state to enact laws, nor can it force state officials to perform tasks

From this article; 

Don't like a Term Of Service? You merely OPT OUT! Don't want an imposed SMART METER attached to your house - OPT OUT ! Don't like a CELL PHONE tracking you, listening in on your conversations - OPT OUT. This is a fundamental right of choice to participate or not participate. Its no different if one person or 3 million people agree to OPT OUT of oppression and tyranny imposed on them illegally and immorally. Its illegal and immoral to force another to only buy a brand name product, or take a pull or vaccine or marry one person over another. To OpT OUT or SECCESSION is a natural right !!!!

Monopoly Laws were created to keep the tyranny of one or a few networked together, to oppress others or the masses in the market place of ideas and innovation. Sherman Act's hammer over interlocking directorships, tie-in sales, and certain mergers and acquisitions substantially lessened the competition in a market. This was followed by a succession of other acts demanding that businesses consult the government before any large mergers or acquisitions took place.

As does the Federal Corporate USA Inc works diligently to MONIPOLIZE POWER AND AUTHORITY over the States, and cities in a State.

Across the nation from Michigan's Upper Peninsula to the Maryland panhandle to northern Colorado and northern California there is growing secessionist movement in rural areas that feel a deep geographic, cultural and political disconnection from their states' increasingly urban power centers. These new rural rebels, inspired by what they say are a litany of grievances over issues such as gun rights, land use and environmental regulations, are pushing to carve out new states and political jurisdictions. Although the federal Constitution allows a region to break away with the approval from both a state legislature and Congress, the last time this occurred was back in 1863 when West Virginia gained statehood by jettisoning Virginia. 

State Seccession is not some crazy crack pot idea. The Americas has had this occur several times. Eleven states seceded from the Union. Four of these (Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee) did not secede until after the Battle of Fort Sumter that occurred on April 12, 1861. Four additional states were Border Slave States that did not secede from the Union: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. In addition, the area that would become West Virginia was formed on Oct. 24, 1861, when the western portion of Virginia chose to break away from the rest of the state instead of seceding . 

" The powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States, may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression. " Apparently, a secession loophole existed in the Constitution. We know this because in late 1860 (when Southern states warned they would secede), three congressmen proposed amendments to the Constitution, forbidding or restricting the right of secession. The secession loophole reappeared after the war ended. Six former Confederate states passed a new state constitution that had a paragraph, surrendering the right to secede. How, Morse asks, could the states surrender a right unless they had it in the first place?

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The evidence is mounting of total technocratic digital control over peoples lives and well being of themselves and families and friends. The biggest threat that social media censorship poses is not you being unable to access Facebook or Twitter. It’s you not being able to get a mortgage or have a bank account or get a job!!.

The NWO believes the cattle need extwrminated - that's you. 

They want control over the planet and all resources. 

We can show example after example of Demo rat cities who can't run a city's budget at all. Like Detroit Sacramento, Ca, is again bankrupt. And can't afford to keep its lights on. And is constantly digging into the taxpayers pockets for tax cash. 

Like the Federal Government, corporations continues to draw the wealth out of the population. And that simply is unsustainable. 

With the incorporation of the Federal Government, becoming a LEGAL CORPORATION,  America was stolen. 
This corporation for decades has lied to the American people for centuries. And make laws to further their agenda of theft of Americas resources. The USA Inc seals off land masses only to turn around and lease portions to companies for both to profit from. 

And When the Rothchild owned power grid go's down on selected cities, towns and even states, CRYPTO IS then FUCKING WORTHLESS ! LET THAT SINK IN ! 

 Govt today is the force of power for Giant Corporate Owners to have control over society and practice crony capitalism. When it should be for defense and arbitration between nations for and about barter and trade in the best interest of the people.

Abby Martin sits down with Peter Phillips, former director of Project Censored and professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. His new book “Giants: The Global Power Elite” details the 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors. 
Giant Capitalists ! Capitalism wants a return on their investment. So why are they allowed to keep excessive profits? Once their investment is returned, costs are covered, salaries are paid, why should they be able to keep billions and millions in excess, and do nothing but sit on it collecting unsustainable interest ? If banks don't make loans with interest attached, paying interest on deposits is unsustainable making a bank go broke. 2008 all over again. 

Crony Capitalism is theft ! So why do others want to STEAL FROM YOU???

What the US is facing !
The bible is clear about user and debt. Man was created with certain unalienable rights. Freedom and Liberty and to pursue his dreams. We are to Love one another for we all are of the same DNA from Adam and Eve. STEALING and MURDER is unacceptable ways to collect wealth by Govt or other criminals.

Theft, manipulation, lies, loans, interest debt slavery are all of Satan's perversions. And yet most people enjoy the indebtedness for the so called good life. Well We The People can have the good life and still not be a slave to the corporate establishment and bankers economic debt matrix. 

The revolution 200 years ago was for the escape from high taxes, injustices of a king and the network of crony bankers. All of them stealing a man's labor for pennies( the value of the US dollar note today ). 

Reversing this 180 degrees is achievable. By State Seccession. And Nation State Independent Ecosystem. Then nationalizing all businesses and throwing out the Corpocracy establishment leaders That won't support a sustainable ecosystem. Simply, they will move out of the State. 
Detroit, Sacramento, L.A., Venezuela and on and on continue to show how govt corporate partnerships are leaving death and destruction behind and they are never made to clean up their messes of abandonment behind them. Instead they are simply aloud to start a new mess all over again. The abandoned malls and factories are prime examples. 

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Look at Venezuela today. The govt saw how the bankers were grabbing resources as they were strangled in debt. So they took a socialist approach. This is the financial crucification strategy by banking for corporate interests in the west and the Vatican Rome. 

Small countries should always make their own trade treaties for commodities sparingly and to not get sucked into mass debt by loans 

In 1958, a new government, again including Pérez Alfonso, devised a plan for an international oil cartel, that would become OPEC. In 1973, Venezuela voted to nationalize its oil industry outright, effective 1 January 1976, with Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) presiding over a number of holding companies. In subsequent years, Venezuela built a vast refining and marketing system in the United States and Europe. And only a handful of politicians came away filthy rich. Today their eco system has collapsed under a crony socialist eco system.

The DEEP STATE NWO Agenda is to wipe out 90% of the world’s population? 6.5 BILLION lives targeted for extinction. Because it can't control their PAPER FINANCIAL TIGERS unsustainable debt system. 

The Passing Of The Torch. With Rockefeller and Brzezinski dead and other NWO Globalist technocrats dead or soon will die off, its time for We The People to take charge, in the schools, cities and counties government seats and offices to lead us back to a Christ filled community.

The fix is a blink of an eye and 1 Vote Away...

 To create in our Nation State a Heaven on earth. The garden was filled with every food a man and his family needed. God placed man in the garden and told him to have dominion over it. Even when kicked them out of the garden he never changed that command. 

From the ground up we the people have been supplied what we need to sustain life. Now the NWO wants it all for themselves. By building their financial control banking system they leverage it and weapon size it against the people. Interest and inflation and currency devaluation keeps people from being wealthy and to prosper.


        Every action taken by a person is based in from a  perspective foundation. If we were to go back to the fundamental roots certain key components of humanity have never changed and should signal a warning to the new society.
 The survival Instinct. The loss of hope. Greed. Hate. Love. Kindness. Goodness. 

There's over 40 million immigrant welfare recipients now and more coming in by the thousands every month.  And the system is set up so they are penalized for working. Again I say change the game. But first change the Perspective and a new Agenda emerges ! The govt using your wealth funds the illegal immigrants. Spending 5 times what it takes in creating huge debt because the long-term return is miniscule. 

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' Starship Iowa '

We all know Star Trek the movie. Everyone works, contributes on the USS Enterprise. Because in this environment to survive people need to pull together. Each member that returns to earth uses a credit card to access goods. On the ship a replicator creates, and eliminates a specific object once replicated. Thus little waste is created and limited space isn't taken up. It's a credit recycling of currency credits system.

Everyone takes care of one another. By contributing in some capacity. A person invests time and energy doing something. Even with some being disabled mentally or physically or both and thus handicapped they do contribute when possible. So in today's world why should anyone be made to live in poverty or homelessness or live in trash on the street. Its utterly unnecessary. Except that the economy is based in user debt. 

Look at Saudi Arabias ecosystem. A socialist system of sorts. By theory everyone contributes and is paid. The currency is incoming from oil sales mostly. but the Saudi State is creating an enhanced retail service based ecosystem where cash recycles within its Nation State. Always returning to the Saud Family coffers. 

Remember any and all financial systems is man made. Present day wealth disparity is causing a huge monetary imbalance that is easily fixable if we the people have the will. 

Wealthy people spend very little. And invest for profit returns. The stock market is the second biggest scam on the planet the bankers invented to gain peoples wealth and to not use or risk their own profits. Money invested and profits taken rarely go's out into the economy. It mostly recycles in the Wall Street Banking System. Bit coin is another false matrix that simply recycles and rarely gets out into the public.

In running a farm, in a state, County or city, communities at one time used a barter system. And eventually a barter note called a currency note was used. And they for the most part circulated it in a town. Always going back to a bank. The bank would be a secure place to store stones and pebbles of gold and diamonds. And a person could get notes on loan and later repay them, If you had profits or gains. If not you would sign over the ownership of some gold to the bank. 

Banks like gold, as they could print currency in denominations of value equal to the stored gold. And make loans and charge interest and make profits. And buy more gold make more money and make more loans and make more profits by interest charges. Remember the asset belongs to the individuals NOT THE BANKER. So the majority of interest earned should have gone to the owners.

Today the estimated US debt is $22T Dollars. And the US Spending Budget is $1.3T Dollars Annually. Which a few billion is paid interest payments. Seems crazy and out of wack doesn't it?

Debt - one entity lends their asset to another for a time. They charge a fee called compound interest. Eventually based on the time alotted a debt is paid off. Or the debt is forgiven by a legal court. Legalized theft. In the early days bent was forgiven every seven years. This kept a man from becoming a life long slave. And lenders were cautious not to over extend. Not getting taken by persons out to never fully pay off their debt. 

Today in modern capitalism its pretty much a PONZI Scam by the bankers financial system. And one that is in need of replacing as it is completely unsustainable. Because like in the days of the old west a person of a criminal mind would open a Bank. Take deposits and give out notes. And on a Sat night ride off into the sunset with peoples gold.

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The New Nation States Lifetime Credits Wealth Distribution !

  • It starts with Nation State Secession from the Banker Wall Street Controlled Federal Govt. .
  • Deed Of NState Property - Nation State Lands & Resources of Ownership to We The People.
  • NS Wealth Centers replace every Bank.
  • Everyone gets a life deposit of credits
  • Every business entity gets a lifetime deposit of operating credits.
  • Set Weekly Salaries for We The People.
  • Set Weekly Operations Credit Streams for a business to acquire supplies and operations resources.
All Credits spent/traded to acquire goods supplies and resources and services -> return to that persons account. 

A) the individual spends with B) the business who deposits the accumaled Credits to C) the local town NS Wealth Fist Center. 

C) routes those credits back to A) individuals account for future use. 

Same occurs Business to Business.

Recycling the Funds and revenue and income.

Profit and Taxes and Interest are 100% completely Eliminated and unnecessary. !!!

No taxes. No loans. No interest.

  No blockchain except your own accounts blockchain.

 Not 1 central blockchain split into millions of web users. 

But billions of individual blockchain that only go from your their account back into their/your account. 

Only you with your thumb drive can access and distribute at purchase a certain amount. And that amount Goes thru to that retailers account. And routed back to your account automatically. The retailer has no control to stop it as it returns to the NS Wealth Distribution Center.
 The NSWD Center has back ups for transfer lines, cable and internet WiFi and electricity backups to be open 24/7.

If a NSWD is destroyed by a calamity its off site local servers have backed up all accounts onto them by private closed secure cabling. 

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The New Nation State Wealth Distribution Center is a business service that holds the credit values until they are retrieved weekly. Which is then traded by people for goods n services. Its a BOTTOM UP Recycling Eco-System. Where the CREDITS go out as trade currency and return into the original account holders account.

The business or service then returns the new received credits from a persons investment back to the NSWD Center. Where it is returned to the account holders credit line account. Like a routing number it knows which account it go's back in to. 
Recycling and creating a sustainable financial loop system with No Taxes and No Interest And No gains No profits needed. 

The business also has its own credit account to trade for goods to provide to customers using credits from their account. And their credits are returned to their credit account.

No profit is required. Every business and person has a Pre-Loaded Account to draw from.

  • $3M for people for life. 
  • $1-$5M for a businesses operating account for weekly withdrawals.

No employee wage is paid by the employer themselves. So no profit margin is established thus again no inflation no profits no taxes. 
No profit margins are needed to cover wages or cost of goods or supplies. 

Every in State supplier distributor has their NSWD Center credit account.  Used to trade for raw materials to produce goods in State.

The in State raw material supplier has their own NSWD Center credits. Used to trade for raw materials to produce goods.

Any one of the in State transactions between another receives the credit and is deposited and returned to the original spenders credit account.

In State No one ever runs out of credits.

Every one in State Citizen works To receive a weekly salary.

Prices on everything - wholesale to retail are set at 1971 Gold Standard Values.

Gold and all resources is priced at the same 1971 values but owned by trust deed to all the people . So long as you remain a citizen. 

A home is traded in and a newer bigger one is acquired. The price difference reflects a higher balance and slightly higher monthly payment. Same is done on boats or vehicles or buildings. Trade a more expensive home to down size and the value is returned as credits to the NSWD center account as an asset of the people owned Nation State. 
Not as a bank or government asset.

The Credit system is established to actualy control and balance spending and in the demand of resources and products. Each to their needs, and not to their desires by greed.

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So how is it people won't contribute skill energy and actually work for their salaries? Some won't. So they get the lowest credit weekly allotment. No one lives in poverty

Turn 16 to draw out your weekly Salaried credits.

Greater skill and greater education gets a persons Weekly Salary Draw increased. 
Life longevity - raises come every year based on length of employment. 

Make a family. Get an increase for both parents. Adopt a child get a weekly increase.

Bottom Up Economics. And currency credits recirculate. Never leaving the NState. 

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Okay so say that person is a felon. Out of prison. Got an education. Willing to work. They are a citizen. Based on education and skills they get a credit account like anyone else.

People jailed get 20% of the base and of course three meals a day a room and an education in prison.

It's so simple. Nobody Gos homeless or hungry or uneducated and unemployable. 

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Wrapping your mind around this man made system isn't difficult. Your mind is simply cluttered with indoctrination, and propaganda of old.

There's nothing new about a Universal Income Economy. Many countries use a form of it today successfully. And several countries that use a Universal Income financial system a Nation States currency is fiat currency and traded as a commodity. Recognized by world banks. The people aren't slaves and beholden to an IRS who controls whether you work or not work. Eat or not eat.

Any crook criminally mind person will seek ways around the system to enrich themselves. Capitalism actually perpetuates this by invitation and innovation today - by Wall Street ! 

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In a NS Wealth Distribution system the money is in your account and returns to your account. No person can snatch your deposits. The recycling loop was created for just that purpose in mind.

Every entity has a Pre-deposited account of its own. Value stored is $1M -$5 Million in credits. That's every person, services center, retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, supplier, transportation business and so on. Does being a millionaire eliminate greed? No. But it does keep everyone safe, and eating, and have a roof over their heads a house, and with health care and education and transportation. And withdrawals are weekly so a balanced record shows a clear record. If an anomaly occurs say a large withdrawal the NS WD Center red flags that account. A receipt must be sent to unlock the account. The receipt will match the person or entities account. Fake receipts will set off a secondary alarm.

Unlocking the account takes a in person verification and ID and password and its that simple. 

The credits can only be used in State for instate purchases. States will have treaties for trading resources one to another . Say for example corn for fuel.

Sovereign Nation States. Soverign currency credits. Sovereign production and agriculture.

Sovereign free energy extraction. Soverign Constitution. Soverign militias. Soverign zoning and planning. Soverign community development. 

Soverign education. Soverign State and Adminstrators can be fired and replaced. It doesn't take 2/3 of the entire content to vote them out of office.

Dreams do come true.. If you have the will and motivation to make the dream come true.

 If you knew that someone (s) was developing and implementing a technology to be used to murder you and your entire community would you just roll over and die.  Just let it happen?Leadership is the problem !! Its all been grounded in GREED from any and all parties !! For decades!! Bankers, Politicians, Lobbyists, Dictators have bribed others to do their will for eons.

So lets bribe you! With $3M in currency credits for life. No taxes and No Interest. And you can increase your wealth by energy spent or education increases or both.

We The People can create the coolest Internet Economic Board Game and apply it to individual cities in every " Independant free and Soverign Nation State. "

Say Nintendo just created a new game called - Sustainable Town ! Where the player ( and every player ) starts with a 1$M credit line. To qualify a person: they answer a survey. And those answers are analyzed. And ones Weekly Wage Level is then determined.

And you can rent lease a car a property equipment get an education etc., with your credits. To win the game - is to live till your 120 years old !

Banks are Separate - Currency Wealth Distribution Centers. 

They and all businesses are no longer Profit Establishments. 

Loans are eliminated so zero debt is never established ever.

Banks are Inner City Wealth Distribution of Credits System only.

 No physical money.

No taxes. 

No interest. 

No inflation.

 And they have two SPERATE Internet systems:

Inner net and Intranet. For integrity & security neither can connect together or to one another.

Inner-Net is a city county system.

Intra-Net is a NState System.

Currency Credits are pre-deposited in a person or services account to draw a weekly operating income from.

USB Thumb Drive is used as a Wallet. Go to a Terminal and upload transfer credits. 

Credits simple circulate in a Nation State always returning back to the spenders account.

NATION STATE- Credits Allotments;

Businesses- up to 5M

Services- up to 2M

Wages- up to 38M

Each and every person and business / service establishment is credited with 3$ M - 5$M Credits. Credit line accounts are opened at legal start up / birth. Distribution of income starts at age 16 for persons. 


A USB Encrypted Drive Wallet is supplied for deposits and withdrawals.

Every week each and every person receives a wage allotment from their WD Center Account. The credit flows accordingly;

WD Center Holdings / Distribution
WD User Person Entity
Retail / Service
Supplier / Reorders
Production / Distribution
WD Center
User WD Account
So it circulates out and back in. 

It's a no brainer.

The basics are this - people are born educated eat and sleep travel work marry raise a family run their lives run a business run a service  godly worship
Enjoy life, entertain, and be entertained. 
And People earn wages and invest wages.

That's the BASICS in life. 

So why do others want to STEAL FROM YOU???

4 tiered Weekly Incomes - from Ages 16-120.
1) 500 - 2)800 - 3)1200 - 4)1700 credits. 5)2500 . 
80% of citizens receive at Levels 1, 2, 3.

Wage Level Qualifications:
Community Standing-disabled, age, single married, family 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8-up -children, Retired.
Education attained-
Energy Effort Given-
Skill Training-
These criteria are used to determine income levels.
Wealth at passing returns to the Public WDCenter Coffer Accounts.

Each credit is an inventory ticket. Its code is then paired with the item received. This pairing info is automatically sent to a NS Supply system for compilation. And a reorder request is sent to the NS Production system for re-filling.

A business uses a credit line for the construction of its physical b4uilding, and operational needs. It acquires a product the same way as a person does. But handled differently based on its coded product thats ordered.

A stapler is recordable.

But an I-beam is not as it is used in construction of the original building.

And its order flow direction depends on what it is the establishment is ordering. It will go via the Land Zone Planing or Supply and Retail Planning System.

Each Flow System is a Verification Module Plug In in a main server in each NS Department. And is established for Inventory Chain purposes.

NS Systems Assets stay with in the borders of a town, city, and the Nation State itself. To minimize pilfering and smuggling. Treaties bring online other Sustainable NS states and suppliers.

Business credits up to 5$M Credits annually.

Services credits up to 1-5$ M Credits annually.

As these establishments take in credits, they merely are taking in barter tickets from peoples accounts and is deposited returned to WDCenter. accounts.

Spending is always within available account balanced. 


City Tax levels - 0

County Tax Levels -0

State Wage Tax Levels-0

Federal Tax Levels - 0 zero
(Commodity Pricing at wholesale and Retail is reset to 1971 Gold Standard Levels if every State would follow. Basically peso value equals US Currency value.).

In 2018, According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were about 127.59 million households in the United States. So if you do the math, and if Andrew Yang’s little project just target every household in America, this would cost $1.5 Trillion every year. - Sara

Costs??? Lol. There is None!

ZERO COSTS·Zero TAXES·Zero Profits· - Credits have none of this!

Every transaction is Block Chain and a Receipt is printed. If the electricity Gos out an official monthly receipt is used To show ownership. (12 Receipts or 48 wkly receipts) .

Security -

- Inner City Internet T1 w/Encryption:

WD Center to User to Retail to NS Supply ReOrder.

- And Intra Net used for Ordering:

UB Drives transfer Orders physically.
- Zero Back Door Coding:
Fines and deportation for illegal code protocols.

So can people get 10 TV's?

No. 1 Tv per room is all.

Can people have ten cars?

No. 1 car per person. 16 - 20 can get qty 1-3 ... 5 yr old or older vehicles.  household can fit a certain limit of vehicles on its property.

Can people have 100 tampons?

No. A legitimate supplier outlet can have back inventory. A person can have 10 per month. 3 brands yes. But only 10. Waste and resources controls.

Can a person have ten cats and or dogs.

No. Breeders can facilitate an inventory of 30 of each animal.people can have 1- 3 total mix.

Is prostitution legal?

No. Massage Outlets, Sex Robots are available and regulated.

Can a person stock up on food ?

No. 90 day limitation of back stock. Based on occupancy.

Acquiring goods and services is quantified by use and occupancy and credit budget.

Shopping Made Easy