Paradise Fire Burned Most Church Buildings, But ‘the Church Is Still Alive High Energy Directed Laser Weapons were used killing at least 60 with 600 + still missing in Paradise CA. UN Agenda 21 & 30 is the NWO Globalist Agenda plan to move people into the larger cities and out of rural areas. Let the Fedscontrol the land and resources so huge corporations can lease those lands dirt cheap paying the For Profit Corporation the USA Inc aka Federal Govt. Since the bankruptcy of the US it has been in receivership controlled by the international Illuminati banking cartel. Incorporating all towns and cities puts people under corporate laws regardless of the US Constitution being the Supreme Law of the Land. Corporate entities do not follow Gods Laws.
- List of International Nation States Declaration Of Independence ; https://en.m.w...
Paradise Fire Burned Most Church Buildings, But ‘the Church Is Still Alive
The right of self-government by the States We The People, under the Bill of Rights ! Its that simple.This first video shows how War was car...