Wednesday, April 12, 2017


      Yes the DemiGo_ds love diversity. They love it when they can break the rules of the establishment from the law and order, and sneak around so they don't get caught. They network together and conspire together to cover thy asses so they can force their will of illegal agendas. 

    Which begs the question is the Clark House the NEXT SANCTUARY CITY ZONE so the chartered corporation of MUSCATINE CAN KEEP THOSE FEDERAL DOLLARS COMING IN TO KEEP THE BUILDING AFLOAT ? Good question. What once was a program to house seniors with or with out assistance, is now developing into the homes of over 50 3rd world countries citizens (not necessarily US Citizens as most don't speak a lick of English). 

   The federalist agenda? To bring in 3rd world countries into america and steal their wealth via taxes and social security and medicaid with out making them a legal citizen. This way they don't have to pay them at retirement. So where does the SSI go to when they take this TAX out of your check. Well it has finally been disclosed it doesn't go into a TRUST FUND at all. Its a TAX that is collected and sent to an international bank, owned by the Rothschild's of Europe. And later moved to a branch in Sweden and or the VATICAN of Rome Italy.

The other problem American citizens are facing is these 3rd world citizens are being installed at an alarming rate into govt employee positions, thus becoming an under educated class of mafia participants in the schemes of the Federalist government Departments. With their loyalty to their sugar daddy BIG GOVT, these people dont give a rats ass about you the citizen and develop a sense of empowerment over you the white anglo saxin natives who were born here in america. And they wheeled their power backed by the cartel federal corporation and kick people out of their rented homes, steal jobs, break the laws at local and state levels all while under the protected class statuses. 

Is it time to get rid of these so called PROTECTIONS? Absolutely - the constituion gives citizens all the protections they need. And when one class is leveraged by the feds, they garner a voting block to put in criminally minded politicians into government at all levels. Oh I know it FEELS GOOD to protect women of thrid world countries, but most people dont realize the harm they are doing to the future generations of families and workers in america. 

So how many 3rd world country peoples are in your work place, and housing buildings and in government ?  How many are on your elected boards of city counsels ? Remember they werent raised in americas traditions or under sound religious practices or from traditionalist and conservative ideologies growing up. 

They came they plundered they conquered. 

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