Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This One Is For You - ' Just ruined it for everybody else '

So Lori here says this computer doesn't work. So I wanted to see for myself and sure enough it works pretty good. Aside from her moody table side manner she might be a nice lady under all that rough and tough exterior and show she puts on. She is pretty to look at lol.

Then something interesting came out in what was it she said you had to ruin it for everyone else....Hmmmm. Very interesting 

1 that she even knows of me as we have never spoken before 

2 seems she is under the impression my dumb ass web site has ruined it for everyone else. 

for every action their is a reaql and opposite reaction... ask KE and JRG - it was all their choice...that started the ball rolling over so many and the cover up they to this day contnue to push so the ladies can HATE THE MAN ... ladies you are being used ! Go figure. 

    My thought was people who do nothing wrong or illegal or against the lease terms wouldn't have much to worry about at all. And those with criminal intent to steal perpetuate fraud and lie to cover it up or to manipulate the system for things they dont deserve in the first place, well those people might be just a little angry at me lol assuming they have their facts straight.  

So people who dont follow the rules in life and really theres only 5 of them, here let me tell you about them.

Dont hate - which is murder in the heart towards others. I can see how someone would hate if they were caught doing bad or criminal stuff and thus getting kicked out. So ya they would be angry enough to hate.

Dont lie - and that's a hard one for most women because they have a very difficult time accomplishing anything in their lives unless they manipulate one another and especially manipulate men.  So why do people lie? Mostly they cant live in a reality of truth. They need to lie as a way to get stuff accomplished and to push forward on their agendas. Because they lack something be it integrity or moral character. Just ask them if they pray to Jesus or read the ten commandments -  and if they become ill or afraid or nervous, belligerent and mouthy, then theres your answer. The biggest reason is they simply do not want to take responsibility for their actions and choices. Women become engulfed in GUILT and hate how it makes them feel. If they new Jesus two really wonderful things would happen - they would learn of love and learn of forgiveness. A forgiveness they can embrace unto themselves. A love that is so different than trying to love themselves or idols or movie stars etc. Gods love is so amazing. And in it is his forgiveness and mercy. 

Dont steal - if one is not the owner of it then why take it for yourself? Well part of it is to COVENANT others stuff or the jealousy that engulfs them and the wanting of stuff one admires or desires to make them feel good about themselves if they had it like they believe the neighbor feels and makes them feel. 

Can you name the other 2 of the 5 commandments we humans are to live by and let them guide our lives and actions? 

Okay, heres one -  FALSE WITNESS - Now, ya its lying but its more than that. See its lying motivated by hate. Which is murder by deception. Ah DECEPTION. I HAVE HEARD WE ARE LIVING IN THE AGE OF DECEPTION RIGHT NOW. False witness and Deception lends its self to HYPOCRISY. With these we deceive our perception of reality and build our own illusion in our minds and hearts. So we end up deceiving ourselves then justify our choices, which don't always balance with the real world around us. 

God said he would send a great lie or deception upon the whole world. This tells us GOD is very much alive and working in everyone's lives. It says to those who reject him wont have the discernment to know or even care about the lie and just work around it work with it or embrace it and live life from that perspective.  The point is holding the 5 commandments in your head and let your actions be tempered by the truth and the commandments and make choices that harm no one or injures others. Now if you say well that other person hurt me first.... then I will REVENGE and take actions to hurt them back. When in fact they dont know you and they as a christian do care about you. And about your rights and your safety thru the laws. See the commandments are the laws. 5 laws that teach us to love and respect God. 5 laws to teach us to love and be god to one another. Not hard at all.

If you feel injured by another person, you might step back out of the HATERS BOX and STOP SWINGING LONG ENOUGH to say why did this or that happen, Im curious. Because theres almost always a BIGGER PICTURE, and that some of ones choices had been affected here and now because of those choices. 

'TAKE THE NEEDLE OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE BEFORE LASHING OUT TO TAKE OUT A NEEDLE OR TWO X FOUR OUT OF SOMEONE ELSE S EYE'  -  and then ask yourself, maybe there business really isnt my business after all. And maybe they are defending truth even when others cant see it or consider change isnt always fun but it can make the other side more secure for everyone.... just saying. And stop listening and making gossip. Stirring up hate and discontent makes everyone's world a nervous wreck and is senseless and useless really.  This is how it all began MMHA false allegations, contrived fake news statements and people who hate men and hate their lives and themselves. That is the acts I received and simply showed them their own LIES AND DECEPTIONS in play. Ouch. And they management and the city still does not take responsibility for their own choices and negligent acts, that now affect so many women here.

Remember KARMA - well Christians (not talking about man made religion)  know and have learned from experience all that is sin and made available for sin pleasure only lasts for a season, and then the luciferian spirits and demons like the Jezebel Spirit (SEARCH IT ON YOUTUBE) TAKES IT ALL AWAY especially when a person feels arrogant and secure in their person and actions . THE OTHER SHOE DROPS AS THEY SAY. So research the 5 commandments and see which one is missing here. And get on youtube and listen to the youtube audio version of the BOOK OF ENOCH. He was the great grandfather of Noah. And research the Nephilum GIANTS and where they came from and why they are coming back in the 21st century... (Trey Smith - Naomi Wolfe) and research how America is being systematically destroyed in a 10 Step program. 

Its an eye opener for sure. Oh and then theres Aron Russo's great movie documentary about America, the banking cartel and the shadow government. Lol then pray and have that conversation with Jesus hes always available to listen. You always have a guardian angel.  I have a number if you wish to chat civilly. I dont bite. And the truth can be told, if your care to know it. Living a lie perpetrated by others and hating is not good. It is a choice.

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