Monday, February 27, 2017

Six Deceptions Needed for Agenda 21


YOUR FUTURE IS NOT IN YOUR HANDS. The secular humanists have no love, but they have LAW and they have MONEY and they have TECHNOLOGY and an AGENDA. They are the Luciferian Secular Humanist inspired college grads and their Puppet Masters the Elitists. Hiding via Foundations Like Rockefeller and Ford and Clinton's and others.all criminal agendas. Monopolies used to be outlawed and illegal, not they partner with Govt and seduce the city govts, but the money only enslaves the counsel members and politicians. So, people had an opportunity to make a middle class but their agenda is to destroy prosperity and enslave people into a 3rd world country, as they are doing to Argentina and Brazil and South America today. 

To create a new world oligarchy controlled world under legalese, making the world up in their image, of uncontrolled sex, drugs for everyone, a delusional technological world of chemicals and monitors, toxic vaccines to reduce longevity of life, destroy the country sides so they can control crops by corporate controlled farms, and low wages to keep you wanting and working hard to reach absolutely no where. If your not the attorney the politician the luciferian mason, you dont count.

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