Saturday, July 28, 2018

Why The World Has Changed

      Many people contributed to 9/11. It is the real reason why the world has changed. So we seek the evidence laid out before us on television, news articles, independent journalist articles and blogs and leaked govt documents. What all of these are lacking is a true real perspective on the world. 

To change ones perspective one has to go back to ancient history and the wars on earth between the gods and God Almighty.

Those wars are all told today in myths and legends and kids cartoon books or Hollywood movies. The ancient writings in the Christian bible, the dead sea scrolls, as well as The Book of Enoch all exemplify the reality of earth and the divine super natural beings who came and continue to come to earth. Their March on earth has led to millions of people dieing over the centuries. And it continues even to this day.

With they themselves incarnating into humanoid forms they continue to come in contact and inspire man to be greedy and ruthless and hateful. Today is no different.

 God gives us free will to choose between good and evil - in disobeying Gods 10 commandments. 

For most people are given a full lifetime to make bad choices and given time to correct their path. War and killing and stealing won't ever go away on earth. It's the nature of humanity, a sin nature. With out Gods spiritual touch in you a person seeks their own understanding and paths to walk.

So the tug of war, the fight, is a spiritual one and our bodies are vehicles, space suits in which we use to express our thoughts. But let us get back to why exactly 9/11 occurred.

 Global empire building, a worlx take over by spiritual, military, financial, political, food, weather, medical means of all countries by the internationalist atheistic satanic wealthiest of humans. 

A plan was developed centuries ago long before W1 and W2. The Rhodes Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Clinton Foundation and others were designed as huge slush funds for these projects. 

NASA WAR DOCUMENTS as well as the New American Century Project, as well as the Iron Mountain Report all emphasize WAR is the ultimate vehicle for sustainable economic means in the world. Recycling is the easiest way to simplify the purpose for WAR for economic reasons. Inflation makes war expensive and makes it easier for the biggest bullies to wage war, as they can pursue wars endlessly. 

By controlling other nations economies you control their political will as well as their agenda policies and laws and authority aka leadership and resources. Like OIL and NATURAL GAS  being a countries biggest way for wealth creation in their country. 

And the middle east has tremendous oil and natural gas. So the Globalist covenant those countries liquid gold along with controlling their illegal drug systems.  The GLOBALISTS have an insatiable appetite for other countries wealth and resources.

9/11 was merely a launching pad for a much greater purpose - a FALSE FLAG ATTACK to scare most countries leaders out of their wits and to join political will with the US Military and Globalist agendas. Just another BIG LIE TO GO TO WAR unabeided. And steal other countries wealth along the way to pay for it and place puppet leaders into high offices of those countries.  

Seriously it will take the WILL OF WE THE PEOPLE by millions (over 11 million voted for Donald Trump to be the President) to STOP PAYING FEDERAL INCOME TAX and stop supporting all these weapons of war. CHRISTIAN and conservatives need to win political offices in DC, to call up GRAND JURIES and hold those thousands of people and charge them and  arrest  them and convict the treasonist people in leadership upper management CEOs and business owner roles who willfully aided and financially supported and gave supplies, used their sources and skills and  know how and material goods to make 9/11 happen. Murdering and suffering 3000 plus people and hundreds of thousands of people in NY and in the Middle East. Civilian corporate owners and Federal so called partnerships - TO BIG TO FAIL - TO BIG TO PROSECUTE is a lie !!!

Pay attention CEOs of GOOGLE, TWITTER, FACEBOOK !!! Your time is coming...

Here's a short list of forces natural and unnatural, contrived events that is influencing you and society - 

MASS MEDIA and HOLLYWOOD - today most of it is PROPAGANDA fake lies and bullshit. We have all heard the saying you are what you eat. Consume enough shit and you'll look walk and act like a terd a perfect place for flies and maggots to feed from.

Exodus 8:18 Verse . The magicians tried with their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not; so there were gnats on man and beast. 

The puppets Obama and Clinton desperately tried to stop Gods plan to have his Trumpet DONALD TRUMP not get elected. But God never fails. Let his will be done and it shall be. 2 terms for Trump as President. In this hour, His Spirit is lifting us to higher ground.  We are being shifted and lifted in the midst of a great shaking in the nations. 

But fear not, for even in the midst of this shaking, the Spirit of God is bringing redirection, repositioning, readjustment and a strategic reposting to the lives of His mighty warriors. Many will begin to move through greater dimensions of His Glory, stepping upon the high places of the spirit realm.

The NEW WORLD ORDER criminal godless elite are stunned and shaking their globalist plan has been interrupted. Be warned it hasn't been stopped yet. Chemtrails, 5G WiFi, the Police State and Police Militarization, Federal Depts intruding ever deeper into local towns and cities. GMO crops, toxic vaccinations,  weather modification and droughts reducing water access, the continued implementation of AGENDA 21 and 30. Unelected Regional Govenor Boards.  Evil continues to March. The WORLD is about to suffer catastrophic events worse than in years past. Most paid for by US Federal Reserve dollars.

ISLAM and the MUSLIM MARCH on the world. Yes taking God and Prayer out of society and peoples hearts has allowed the spiritual infiltration of evil to grow in millions of people. 

The counterfiet religions and thoughts ideas of spiritualism has been perverted exponentially. Along with the lack of ancient teachings and history. The truth and reality that God exists, he is all powerful, he is our creator. His son Jesus is the man infestation of God in the human flesh. 

God is good and loving and evil plaques this world by spiritual beings in the nothingness of space darkness, under ground and walking the earth and flying the heavens. Evil beings doing their will to deceive human bkeings. Pushing into man's brains creative sin and perversions and greed. Inspiring elites and the educated to regurgitate knowledge on technology and war and killing devices and chemicals. Creating cloned humans and manipulation of virisus and germs. Changing the world as was created by God in 6 days.

Millions upon millions follow fake religions twist and lie for gain, preach ideologies mere perversions of reality. The one creat or inventor gave the world TRUTH in writings like The Bible, The Book of Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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