Sunday, July 1, 2018

How The Deep State Is Spurring Civil War

   False Flags are designed to make the sheeple fearful and mentally unstable to become unhinged. All created by the establishment need to be locked up.  Only because they are the elite and wealthy do people in the FBI CIA NSA etc follow them like puppy's after their mothers nipple to be fed . The godless IMMORAL only know the corrupt IDEOLOGIES of the market Communist CEOs and support the illegal and destructive agendas of the Deep State - OKC Bombing, Iraq, 9/11, will kill anyone to keep their power.

God has different plans . Military will be called out and put down these destructive leftist riots and false Flags. They will face Military tribunals. The bumps n civil societies roads are getting bigger but truth and justice will roll over them no matter what. CIVIL WAR IS COMING IN AMERICA. LEFTIST GET OUT OF THE WAY OR DIE ! GOD ALL MIGHTY IS PLANNING TO TAKE YOU OUT ! 

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