Saturday, July 7, 2018

Globalist ( Worlds 1% Wealthiest Elite) War On America

   They did this in Germany !  They did this in Germany ! History repeats its self as evil gets slicker, sneekier and more sinister. If you never watch another YouTube video you must watch these. Take Notes ! Do your research. 

The World Criminal Satanic driven elite have worked through foundations, LIBERAL Universities, corporate funding, political agendas, scientific and phycological mind control propaganda, destroying christian faith and morality in a sleek hidden step by step slow walking not just America but sovereign Nations across the globe, to control everyone.

Dumbing down each generations to train children to be slaves, and used for PROFITS via vaccines, medications, chemicals, GMO crops, CHEMTRAIL geo-engineered weather. The Federalist Govt is a defacto corporation since the bankruptcy of America ( international banker receivership) after the civil war. And it's corporate leaders, CIA (infiltrated on purpose by the Military and US Govt of Nazi scientists and IDEOLOGIES) and CFR (Counsel on Foreign Relations), DARPA, The New American Century thino tank, Bilderberg group, Club of Rome, UN Agenda 21, and other corrupt think tanks paid for by you, with your taxes (Federal taxes). Each compartmentalized so most people in these organizations simple don't connect the dots of this evil perputated on humanity. These wealthy elite are controlling the political agenda (until Trump ANNOINTED BY GOD was elected BY THE PEOPLE) and economies via the US dollar spread across the world. Control a countries food supply, water supply, economy, and you control that country. By spreading these huge mega corporations, around the world, by bringing aid, by bringing technology into other countries aka Economic infiltration, it all brings dominance to that country by hand full of elites and corporations owners aka wealthiest elute.

 Spreading pornography, drugs, Ideology of homosexuality (male and female), spreading abortion, spreading of the moral degradation by making every filthy word, every filthy sexual act, every filthy hate filled self centered concept and pushing these messages into the hearts of mankind, is transforming people into being grunt animals that neither thinks nor increases their education nor ability to think critically nor increase their personal moral code based on christian wisdoms and apply their mind to projects that improve their self worth.

All accomplished Via propaganda programs across the mass media and magazines, music, and gaming the messages are kill hate lie steal pervert marriage and hate thy neighbor. Literally everything perverted and filthy has been made legal , politically correctness, and corrupt actions of corporations (the Federal Govt is a legal Corporation for profit and pays the elected administration's handsomely) to steal from peoples paychecks, via illegal federal tax system or to under pay workers, overtime due them, The mega control is coming in the way of the beast chip implanted into every human being TV, cell phone, appliances, pets, live stock, and children.

The end result is mass death and replacement of 90% of the populations by robots and technology. Rural areas will be burned out and rural people's lives will be destroyed, and made to move into large cities as most people have zero to little savings or pensions and live pay check to social security check.

Mass invasion of immigrants to take over and replace American men and women in jobs. Destroy marriages and make men of soldier age poor, feminized, gay by choice, women to hate men, women becoming pedophiles and adult web cam prostitutes by the hundreds of thousands and nutritionally weak from eating processed GMO foods. 

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