Please take note of this info that people in the masses are getting sicker from toxic chemicals preservatives and gmo crops and vaccines. This is a medical emergency as children are especially vulnerable. Depopulation by the UN and Globalist tyrants the wealthiest of people with no moral spiritual underpinnings.
The federal govt bodies have joined forces with other evil inspired globalist and think tanks. From chemtrails to vaccines and lab created viruses and vegetables and fruits, man playing God in their creativity with 0 moral compass is spreading products that are plain garbage and toxic to humanity.
The war has been waging since man was created on earth weak and frail. Life expectancy will drop dramatically to the low 50s and less by 2050. Humanity is enslaved by financial and technical devices. The police state is manned by atheistic people with only value coming from corporations as planned since the 1800s.
Obi one kanoby is not your only hope. Jesus Christ God Almighty in human flesh and form is your savior. He has all authority and follows Gods will wisdom and instruction. The war spiritually is intensifying. Non Christians will be destroyed by fire. The whole earth will shake and Christ will consume by fire all non Christians.
Evil inspired men is fighting like hell has opened up. Men like Obama Clapped Brenan Coney Soros and thousands of Globalists. Think tank alumni like Bush Chaney Rumsfeld Greenspan and many others.All with insider political protections.
Chemtrails, Vaccines, GMOs, Weather modification, financial instruments, corporate Monopolies and on and on. Latest propaganda says manufactured drugs is the biggest killer (overdose and suicides) after vehicle accidents and homicides. Where's the EPA the FDA ? They both have joined the national and international corporate death cults. Heinz Wal-Mart Kraft Verizon Dole McDonald's and conglomerate Banks.
The war continues. Soon millions will die. 1/3 of all of mankind and sea life and animals are being murdered by chemical agents and radiation from satellites and cellular towers and Doppler radar and nutritional starvation.
Will you finally stop and realize you did nothing to stop it. As long as you had a paycheck car job and stuff you felt just fine...