Wednesday, May 17, 2017

UFOs are REAL! L. A. Marzulli Interview!


    Unidentified flying object, Ok, I get it. Tthings flying around the skies above our heads are often un-identified for us normal folks on the ground. And to the christian world who are well informed in the Genesis Connection OF THE FALLEN REBELLIOUS ANGELS, they understand how God created angels to do the desired work he needed done to support the universe. Not all Angeles wanted to continue in their first or many positions God placed them in. ad they rebelled.

   Many followed Lucifer the fallen cherub angel who was also called the morning star. And many of these fallen angels had constituted themselves into a mortal physical form to mate with the women on earth. Many made them selfs into alien forms and inhabit many different planets in the Universe. What christians define as heaven are many different DIMENSIONS of energy IN THE DEEP DARKNESS OF SPACE. Space is pitch black as we all know when the lights are turned out and the sun is on the opposite side of the earth. God created light and stuff all over the Universe in the vastness of DARK ENERGY.

   Many UFOS are aliens aka fallen angels, demonic beings and followers of the luciferian leaders and agenda - they hate God and goodness and holiness. They can not return ever to the Godly Holy Heavens to live and thrive. So they arent happy to God their father creator. The Book of Enoch explains the many heaven dimensions, and speaks of the cool angels who helped him to see and understand as he saw ans as he understood he wrote and dictated it to his son. Enoch is the great grandfather to NOAH and lived until the final day before the rains and the great flood came. The fact is God created all things, he is in control, he is holy and righteous in all he does. And he really loves you his creation for alot of reasons.

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