Thursday, May 18, 2017

Perry Stone - Decrypt Mystery - Return Of Ancient Spirits, Updated Apr 2...

....the coming end time armies !

      The Christian world has had the veil removed in prophecy and of Revelations in the Bible. The BEAST is many Nations who have joined - tyrannical countries and its dictators. They will combine as a national corporate entity aka UN, Club of Rome, etc - and will cause all humanity to take a digital mark- the mark of the beast. The Corporate name will be in this MARK and chip implant. 

      No one will be able to buy or sell with out it - much like a cashless society - with out the card or MARK people will not be able to gather goods for their survival. Several countries have already started to move in the direction of a CASHLESS DIGITAL ECONOMY.  These are the beginings of a WORLD CASHLESS SYSTEM. 

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