Monday, May 15, 2017

History Of Weather Modification - Jolene La Marsh Domenic Marrama Global...

YOU WONT LIVE THROUGH THIS. NEITHER WILL I. Chemtrail aerosol spraying has several purposes. Pollution to kill the weakest of us all with toxic aluminum sulfate and barium. To toxify our bodies so the human being can more easily be electrocuted by storms and more easily tracked by satellites. To cause massive crop failures to murder by starvation mass populations. To bring in the technology of robots to replace man kind in jobs.

Most will not survive the gmo and fluoride toxic h2o and toxic air we all breath and neither will the plants and oceans. People have to move to the forests if you want to try and survive this. Or move to Africa or South America.


You have to get right with GOD right now . By 2023 - 2045 much of mankind will be dead as will most life forms. No space aliens will come to save you or us. No government cavalry will feed you. Your neighbors will hate you for what you have stored up in emergency supplies as they starve. This is a fact.    Eternal holy spiritual life is your next stop if you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior.

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