Sunday, March 26, 2017

Muscatine Evicts Senior Citizen Illegally

​              So why would a Municipal Housing Authority decide to EVICT a senior citizen from their home residence, when the tenant has paid the rent every month on time, has not committed any crimes and has been a citizen of the county since age 5 ?    POLITICS !  Your government isn't rely a government - its a FOR PROFIT CORPORATION.

 The federal government in Washington DC.  Like most government bodies they pay excessively high salaries to the politicians while in office, they work in conjunction with other companies or corporations in the city as a cartel and  or racketeering organization

The point being the whole system is a scam, and these corporations have been shown to be nothing  more than a 'criminal cartel' in many cases - ran by people who care little about you as a person, that you are merely a resource of income to them -  you are cattle. 

If the FEDS BLACK BALL YOU then good luck getting  the liberal courts to exonerate you. Because the city officials know where their bread and butter comes from - the federal dollars they get can be disrupted to your city and cause a real mess for them and for the local community at large. So the sacrifice of one for the many is the standard operating mo of their criminal cartel called city government. 

If the cow gets to unruly, its black balled by the feds. A tenant does not go along with their illegal agendas, you don't agree with their politics and ideology,  then they cut you lose using an eviction process and the courts, and eventually the long arm of the law to move you out -  all done with trumped up allegations, no proof and or fabricated documents and the use of other so called eye witness accounts ( usually paid favors inspire other tenants to slander you, and paid rewards either by gifting the favored tenant or cash from the profits of the vending machine revenues. 

Or the other tenants are doing criminal activity and were slapped on the hand and can be leveraged later to do the criminal work of the masters in city hall and in the MMHA  ). 

A ​ landlord ​CAN ONLY ​ evict a tenant ​ ​for."Material noncompliance" with the rental agreement. 

This includes:•A serious violation of your lease
•Repeated minor violations of your lease that;
 disrupt the project, 
affect anyone’s health or safety, 
interfere with the management, 
has an adverse financial impact on the apartment complex
•Failure to report changes in your family size or income
•Nonpayment of rent 

Criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents or persons living in your immediate vicinity or the health or safety of any on- site property management staff, and any drug -related activity on or near the premises.

D. Other good cause . Your lease may have a provision holding you responsible for any drug -related criminal activity of any member of your household, any guests, or other persons acting under your control. The U.S. Supreme Court says that under Federal law , landlords can evict tenants in HUD- subsidized housing when other household members or guests commit certain crimes . The Court said it does not matter that you did not know of or could not have prevented the criminal activity.

Your landlord must mail the notice to you by first-class mail and they must also give a copy to any adult answering your door. If no adult is home, the landlord must leave a copy of the notice under your door, if possible, or else post it on the door. 

Service is not complete until the landlord has both mailed and delivered the notice to your apartment.

If the landlord does not follow these procedures correctly - they can not legally evict you. If you know you are being singled out, targeted, and can prove the crimes are being committed, then what ? 

Understand the landlord can and will lie in a court of law - they can pay any little fine and waste the tax payers money with out flinching or batting an eye - they have little skin in the game.

So the feds put pressure on the rental property owner, corporate business property owner or on the city officials and or city owner of the HUD Low Income Section 8 property - to evict TRUTHERS and PATRIOTS. 

After all if the government will kill off VETERANS in the VA hospitals by denying or delaying them health care, the feds will use their influence on your MMHA PHA and City Administrators to have you kicked out illegally.

ITS CALLED POLITICS. And politics is civilized war ! The left as tried to create civil unrest in society but God says it is not time here yet . He will raise up america to show he is God ! He is in control and he uses liberals and conservatives for his purpose !     

The Housing and Urban Development dept of the Federal Cartel in Washington DC spends billions of dollars every year to house people, and subsidize the rent for those who are seniors, disabled, and very low income thresholds. Its a REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from taxes for perfectly legitimate and moral reasons. 

When the politics comes into the picture, things can go wrong very quickly for citizens.  And today we citizens live in a climate of a politically divided nation. Where people will lie, cheat, fabricate false documents, bribe and or manipulate others, and put pressures on other officials to do their will and help push along their agenda COVERTLY !


Your so called men in power in your counsels and administration seats are PUSSY WHIPPED - THEY ARE NO LONGER REAL MEN !


How can you tell if the actions of your city officials are being done under the political microscope ? 

When you know for a fact you haven't done anything wrong, you have given tangible credible proof and eye witness testimony you have done nothing wrong, when the officials over seeing the informal meetings and are the decision makers making really blatant decisions to evict you on un-proven frivolous allegations , when the landlord evicts other relatives or extended family members in retaliation against you by these indirect methods, it paints a picture by the preponderance of the evidence - they are committing crimes against you. 

When your local police department aka long arm of the law is called in and used to try and incriminate you and to walk all over your rights as a constitutionally protected citizen. The oldest trick in the book!

When you talk to your accusers and they tell you management encouraged them to write allegations against you -  management uses them to create their picture perfect plan to have you evicted.

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