Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The earth has experienced several empire periods. Most people don't have clue about the fallen rebellious species of what is called today  - extraterrestrials - which is fine, after all humans have been labeling stuff since man has been on this planet. The book of Enoch the great grandfather of Noah, had experienced out of body spiritual journeys into the heavens and later wrote about his experiences of seeing these dirties. Everything is made from what we label as ENERGY and MASS. and science understands these principals through out the universe and the solar systems. If we join what science has discovered with the hints and some historical stories, one can out together a pretty good picture of what is out there and in fact there's many different energy and mass filled dimensions. All of them we has humans can not see them as our eyes aren't designed to divide those levels of light waves. But proof from eye witness testimonies across time clearly tells us there are different dimensions all around us and around our earths massive physical dimension.

These so called aliens, or deities or extraterrestrials  are real and have been working with human kind for thousands of years. Once their influence has made such a mess of human existence, a great catastrophic EVENT usually occurs and wipes them out and wipes the perverted humanity out s well - aka NOAH'S FLOOD. The book of Genesis explains in chapter 6 how the fallen extraterrestrials called angelic beings came to earth. They were known as messenger Angels and or watcher Angeles deciding to be more than just on lookers and became participants. Many had done some amazing things on earth and interacted with many peoples. They understood the human hierarchy  and shared much of their skills and knowledge of mathematics with other humans and understood the elements human kind used to create and build stuff. But because they didn't have the natural defenses they would soon die off. Part of their experiences was to design for them selves a biological body taking parts and genes and the dna from humans via abductions and using hypnotic trances to shut down a person so they could do experiments and take samples of female eggs and male sperm. Today they are using human women to actually be fertilized with their cell creations to make a humanoid or hybrid human.

We know this from the testimonies of several women who have experienced and lived and interacted today with the alien beings. What those people don't realize is these deities are merely fallen angelic beings who took on the manifestation of a humanoid grey and tall white aliens. They follow the serpent devil Lucifer and his demonic army of reptilians.  Ya I know its getting strange but you have to stop and think for a minute, look at all the creatures in the oceans and the insect world and all the races of human beings. Why would we believe that there is not other creatures who live in other energy dimensions who can come into out and other dimensions. Dimensions are simply a different light energy wave formulated differently than our own light wave frequency we live in.

What we also can tell is that they have a FREE WILL as we do. And have been very busy for thousands of years - atomic light energy never does die out, it only changes a form to its very existence, and it expresses its self differently at different wave length levels in time and space. With our eyes we can only see so much so technology had been invented like microscopes and telescopes and electronic micro scopes to see the differentiating realms of light and thus the objects in them. OBJECTS are in existence that we can not see normally and because they are of a different wave they pass through us and we pass through them -  the heavenly dimension is merely a different existence of order than our physical world.

What we also don't realize is certain 'free willed beings' aren't all good beings and evil is an expression of 'free will' to not obey a specific life pattern formula to be in a mindful state of civility. Wow that was a mouthful.  Evil is any state of free will that does not co-exist, harmonize, compliment what we call the natural laws of humanities spiritual souls.  God says its his majestic free will of the order of energy in the universe and that we follow and obey, to live free from pain and suffering and turmoil and judgment and in perfect responsible liberty.   Some say man is a g_d because of the power of the free willed person. And in one perspective that is probably true to a degree or two. The second thing all things in the physical realm mirror or mimic the heavenly universal realms - A King, boards of directors, counselors, teachers, beings of different sizes, forms, shapes, skill levels and of different intelligence, roads, fields, pathways, books, workers of different levels,schools, military might, laws, mountains, skies, vegetation,  castles, glass, crystals, rock like elements, jewel lie elements, and so on.  All created for Gods enjoyment and personal pleasure as a creator and as an inventor -  father of creationism and the rule of law through out the dimensions he creates.

Again compare it to an ocean filed with amazing creatures and plants and mountains and so forth. The ocean is perceived as a liquid state and is wet and not dry and solid like the earths crust.  And these are just two different dimensions of existence. And most people do not stop to contemplate that DARK MATTER or DARK MASS in the outer spaces are so pitch black that for our eyes we do all live in a pitch dark black environment where time is literally non existent in relation to what appears to be empty space. But space is far from empty because of what God has filed it with - his imagination expressed in the creation of stuff by laws he formulated by his will to express himself in time and space. And space and time is relevant in each dimensions filed with different stuff made up of energy waves of atoms and ions and protons and electrons and so on and so on.

So all this explanation has to do with - beings are a created deity, and have and do exercise their free will to harmonize or not harmonize within Gods NATURAL LAWS SET IN ACTIONS. That they don't follow them and try to do stuff they are not willed and destined to be doing, and not obeying their father creator. When it is said they are as scared of us as we are of them, it tells us they are far more frail than we think, and are an intelligent soul in a frail biological body. It tells us they want to exist in our dimensions to live and prosper as they desire or are willed by a greater more evil authority. God never intended they interact with humans. THOSE ANGELIC BEINGS were given instruction different than what they do. To exist in our dimension they must take on a humanoid bio suit like ours. So their deity spirit can invade it and control it. And then they are destined for the jail of hell for all eternity for  disobeying God. And they want to live and exist as long as they can so they don't have to exist in the depths of Sheol, Hades, Hell, and the lake of fire ... with their master Lucifer, a fallen angel himself.

So here we are once again in time and space of the future with deities who follow another will other than Gods, interacting and intervening in human kinds affairs. Inspirations of evil -  that little voice in our heads, that eggs us on to do bad stuff. To not be harmonious with earths existence and those creatures who live there, and exist on it.

This is apiece on REALITY ! What we have been told are lies after lies after lies. So we wont be awake to the truth  as told in the Book of ENOCH and IN THE biblical TEXTS of the GOSPELS.  People love their fairy tales of deceptions spewed by the government think tanks, especially women. They live in their own romantic bubbles of life in their minds and disillusion thinking. And all people do to a certain degree as well, but especially women because they love their biological CENTERS OF FEELINGS ! They really hate work and love feel good rewards so they are motivated to be slaves in the bubble the government places all around them, to feel safe and secure and to be rewarded and feed like sheep and cattle. Good little sheep, obey your masters now from the government. Cause it makes you feel good and heck who needs morality, and integrity and moral character ? That's the lie people live today - the lie they love - the nature they desire - that makes them FEEL ALIVE.

So heaven forbid if they are exposed to the truth was their dream world would be shattered then, and they would be scared again and afraid, and really, they live in fear all the time because that is the propaganda that is spewed daily in the mass media -  to make you afraid and to make you dependent - dependent co dependent on the government. And the technology you use today makes you codependent on it, and it was created by the help of some very smart alien deities masquerading as extraterrestrials. But in the not to far off distant future it is about to get real and really weird and very frightful.

The ALIEN INVASION is very near. To be lead by a NEW WORLD LEADER WHO does not hold human beings existence in his heart of hearts to make them prosper and be safe. Most technology is designed to KILL OFF HUMANITY - POPULATION CONTROL and cause death and cause destruction -  to destroy mankind. And they are using the leaders, very horrible dictators and selfish men and women in power centers to murder you and your family and offspring you love and hold dear. ALIENS are real and the negative connotation of ALIEN is very fitting. And the mass media wants you to believe it is right and true and fair to TOLERATE EVIL and people who PRACTICE EVIL FREE WILL. In fact they will soon have you believe EVIL is GOOD and good is evil... GOOD IS EVIL ?  And LAWS ARE BAD !!!!!  You don't have to be GOOD and you don't have to obey LAWS. Mankind has for ions wrote out LAWS OF CONDUCT for others to follow and to obey and as guides for wisdom to learn and to use for themselves so man kind can be CIVIL towards one another.

GOOD IS EVIL is the easiest way to destroy humanity. If you legalize sin and obey wrongful laws and inspirations, eventually the imbalance pushes back and you will be in a world of hurt. Networking with other evil people only creates a huge imbalance in the environment you are a part of and help to create in time and space. Evil works diligently to inspire you to leaps and bounds and to greatness and power.... and then it pounces on you to destroy your world you created you existed in and you believed as a foolish person. Demonic forces are always at play with your will. And make you want to feel the rush of the chemical emotional response to doing that which is not healthy nor productive nor sane and balanced. Evil helps you build a ego and vanity so big your emotional delusional world is just so cool. Foe a short while.

WINNING AT DOING EVIL, AGAINST THE BALANCE OF NATURES LAWS...?   ISN'T WINNING AT ALL. ITS SELLING YOUR SELF OUT FOR PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL GRATIFICATION. For a momentary high a moment in time of dopamine mental pleasure. Injected into your brain  and vanes for a short stroke of the hands on a clock - so you feel amazing. And when your HIGH is gone YOU GET ANTSY AND WRESTLES AND YOU need another brain fix !
And more destruction by your desire to be fulfilled... to eliminate that feeling of ANTSY..

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