Monday, March 27, 2017

Former CIA Officer Kevin Shipp on the Deep State
and Govt corruption.  4.1 million govt employees local state and federal. WHY?​....................................................................................................​

​Hi Gregg, 

I have asked for information on how to do an appeal request of the Grievance hearing decision when I 

get it, and I have gotten nothing back from the MMHA PHA Jodi R-G or Stephaie R who was the alleged

 impartial Grievance Officer as to what the correct protocol is per the HUD REGULATIONS..

Please do not take this letter offensively, as I am simply trying to get the city to do the proper thing here 


stop trying to do an unlawful eviction.

The so called evidence the MMHA Staff and Housing Specialist supplied in the informal meetings over

 the so called allegations are not reasonably credible, and the video footage used is laughable at best, and I am not being smug sir.​ 

And my evidence I provided is 100% credible, and it simply will not be considered, or it was not 

made available  to the right persons of authority at city hall.

I have worked in good faith and transparency completely, which your staff has not, and I wrote to you in 

regards to that complaint and my finding weeks ago. 

Why the MMHA STAFF feel their choices are far more important than a citizens rights, and MOVING 

FORWARD IN making me homeless unlawfully, and THUS create a

 life threatening event for this tenant, and a horrible hardship upon this tenant of ill health and as a 

disabled senior citizen, is bizarre at best.

. Even out of the mouths of two of your city employees , Karla Escobar Housing specialist 

manager and Rob the maintenance man, both caught on video recording at the informal meeting, as both 

did inspections of my dwelling and found nothing to indicate anyone resided with me,

 and 3 other witnesses oral testimonies were given and 4 written statements of fact stating 

no one resided with me.

The fact the MMHA had not disclosed appropriately evidence, and held evidence back, and did not allow 

me to copy as I saw fit my tenant records ( I can not be extorted to pay city fees for a service I can provide 

for myself electronically ), which is totally wrong and unlawful aslo have video evidence of that conflict and conversation .. 

And the MMHA STAFF NEVER served Me LEGAL and PROPER NOTICE or properly addressed notice to me correctly.

The  MMHA has made a disgrace out of the entire HUD Grievance procedures, just so she doesnt have to 

fire or discipline a female employee because she, in my life experience and judgement from all my 
management  experience of having hired trained disciplined and fired employees, is not qualified FOR HER POSITION .  

This whole agenda by the MMHA is a tragedy and should of been halted in the beginning, and she and her

 staff continue to shoot themselves in the foot trying to cover this all up. And I wont allow it to be 

covered up because the city wants me kicked out period regardless of the laws or truth or moral compass 

that should be followed.

I never conspired with suspect to have suspect use or utilize the clark house complex as her residence. 

She had been visiting the complex long before I moved in months and months prior. The suspect never used my mailbox as suspects own to receive suspects mail and can easily be checked at the post office by the city staff.

I know I am black balled by the MPD with prejudice and I KNOW their 

officers have slandered me to people in the citys employment and to the tenants. 

There IS ABSOLUTELY NO tangible credible PROOF of anyone ever residing with me and no one did and know one
showed me any factual credible or tangible proof . 

 I never was apart of any of anyone over stepping their authority, or breaching my lease or boundaries. 

was targeted once again by biased women and stafffers, and I am being discriminated against. 

I DIDNT BREAK THE laws Congress wrote or the State legislatures passed or any city ordinances. 

I have been truthful and respectful and sincere and have worked in good faith and transparency. I know 

govt is good ad even great at making  persons life miserable...but it to will end and reckoning then comes 

for those who are evil and wrong. Sir I am not guilty.

I get it you all want me out; 

All I wanted was a legal notice served properly to me, to let management inspect my dwelling and I was 

not given one from management to 

enter my apartment, and she never showed it to me at the door, when I answered it. And I asked her if she 

could simply place all notices on my door so I can promptly respond correctly, and certainly oblige 

management per the lease. 

The first 

fraud complaints last year against me carried forward by the MMHA, as they did not follow the laws of 

due process for me then or for the alleged complainants and covered it up unlawfully. 

Are you aware of what CITY OR GOVT CORRUPTION even means sir ? !! I know you do !!

Since managements so called new evidence was alleged to have been from from Oct 2016 (fabricated lies 

and date) that made management allegedly aware only for the first time a guest may be abusing their gift

 to visit people in the building, yet she waited till late Jan to do an inspection  and investigate ? RIGHT?

Are you aware she gave management the keys before I even signed the lease ? Are you aware I signed for 

a RECEIPT and IT has nothing to do with the suspect being in my control or power ? 




So I will defend myself in court and fight any unlawful eviction attempts, because I am right and have 

acted lawfully and with respect for the process, which the MMHA CITY STAFFERS HAVE NOT. 

And your staff is wrong in their assumptions and certainly in their decisions and actions to terminate my 

lease unlawfully.

Your MMHA WALKED THEMSELVES INTO CRAP AND MUD last year and again this year 

and they continue the false narrative,  as govt employees do until the lies catch up to them. 

I asked several times to sit down and hash this out  and come to a sane conclusion and solution, 

and no one is willing to walk this all back. The city has clearly not acted in good faith.

I know they did not because I was aware of each and every step they would take, in following my 

'TALKING POINTS' then taking actions of correction AND coverup and in acting as they did after the 


to get to the truth, as they dug themselves DEEPER into their own TRAPPED LIES and ILL WILL that 

they deliberately chose in believing I was completely helpless and with out knowledge or options

Thats a fact. MMHA was  completely caught with her u know what around her ankles. 

You can literally hear ON THE RECORDING the MMHA ADMIN  stumble and create weird 

COMPLETELY  IRRATIONAL reasoning to defend and stop her manager from testifying -

 'we are not relying on her memory' or recollection lol. Wow we arent ? Shes a witness, hello !!

And in the video recording she states i am not being evicted i am terminating your assistance, and she 

clarified it !!!! It had nothing to do with me allegedly breaking my lease. 

It was spoken in a completely different context! If we do not meet and come to a sound agreement

he war  your city staffers started will continue as long as I have a breath in my body sir. I have done

 nothing wrong or breached the lease.   I did not create this war, and I never wanted to be apart of it. And

 the prejudices of the city against me is fueling in part, this ridiculous situation. There is a sound righteous

 solution to this and it is not to late. 

We are down to the wire, sir. Will someone with cooler heads and critical rational thinking skills who can 

leave their prejudices and bias in the hallway, and step-up to come to the table in confidentiality

 with me so we can make a sound agreement ?

I know you feel like you have all the money and all the power of the office, and a city attorney ( I watched

 him at the Mayor-Counsel meeting) but I understand THE LAW as I HAVE RESEARCHED THE hud 

landlord tenant and the HUD regulations and other very interesting information that clearly shows the 

purpose of the laws and 1 strike your out policy for criminal actions, and how the laws are being miss 

applied and shared with your staff to manipulate your support in their actions. - they are miss applied by 

the MMHA in many instances  !!!!, 

and only then can JUSTICE will prevail, and if not between us, and if not in the Muscatine courts then 

certainly in the Federal courts in Davenport.



Your staff is choosing to spend the taxpayers  money to take down a truther patriot and Constitutionalist 

who believes in the rule of law for all and not merely for the SELECT sheeple.

I have a solid reputation and am of credible character.  

And I will not allow this city to try to destroy what I have in integrity and of character ever. 

Need my evidence we can go over it together when we meet. Im tired of walking your staff in the

 use of the appropriate HUD Protocols and laws they should be totally aware of anyways and 

either were not negligent or willful to break them.

Well I hear from someone about how to do an appeal, ? 

It would be unfortunate the city and myself end up in court, and on the news, and maybe even the 

nationals news. I have no skeletons sir!! I have proof of the truth in and of my life and my past and of the 

present events that took place unlawfully by your MMHA STAFF.

Just saying the positive opportunity is now to come together and come to a righteous agreement. 

Its time for peace and of sound minds to stop this by the MMHA staff, and the city 

government has not worked with me in good faith - shame on you .

Bottom line;
either we meet Gregg and we come to an agreement we both can live with -
a grievance BOARD panel of 5 is assembled to hear me out and for them to consider all the evidence -
or just stop this unlawful action against me . 

Thank you sir for your consideration,


Donald D Fread

ps; the MMHA staff and their SPIN wont hold up to scrutiny in court sir or in the public's eye. 

Just saying.

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