Bill 'Genocide' Gates- " if we do a really good vaccination program, we can bring ( humanity ) that down to near zero levels. " Ego manic prix!There's to many lazy fat diseased sheep and cows in America, so lets poison them ! The problem is egocentric Luciferian closed minded mkultra technocrats and Marxists and socialists and atheists and anarchists - all want to kill off everyone else !!! Mmmmmmm.
So why not change the Game money is the root Of evil. Leaveraging manipulating etc.
Change the financial game - Nation State Status-State prints currency-People get $1M Credit Account to draw from weekly. So Damn simple! It Cuts out the bankers, politicians, & employer greed completely!
The poor homeless get $500 weekly and an apartment and health care.
Lower class get $700 weekly apartment and health care.
Middle class get $1800 weekly married 2 children house 1/4acre and health care.
Upper special education skills married 4 kids get $2200 weekly home 1 acre and health care.
Businesses, services, Admin State services get 1-5M operating credits draw off of.
Its so simple. Individual Credit Account per-loaded-use over a lifetime! Draw at age 16. Poverty and homeless eliminated. No taxes. No stock market. No pensions. No insurance.
Greedy NWO !
We know all to well, Incremental ism has been used for century's to mold and shape societies. Always leading to decadence and wickedness. Each generation must grow and thrive and make mistakes. Ramming society with a slew of laws statutes and rules is a not a good thing. And its rarely a good thing unless your a Dictator in power. In fact FREEDOM and LIBERTY is never found. Even the heavens have an order to them that must be followed.
With out rules man becomes boundless. Yep no walls and no borders. The problem is man as a biological entity, made up of chemicals and hormones that give the body the ability to take actions, and that can be dangerous if the mind and body are not at least disciplined. We can think of people labeled as sociopaths bipolar or even schizophrenic or narcissistic. These people with such so called conditions can be a menace to a community.
Bottom line is some one's always trying to control the actions and decisions of someone else by medication or authoritative rules or by force. Usually it stems from ego or vanity. And one who is greedy for power and money. All these are a part of the make up of ;
capitalism, socialism, Marxism , communism, Corporatism, oligarchies, technocracies, and tyranny. Forces that are constantly at play. Much like two magnets with their poles pushing outward against one another. One trying to be the dominate. And when two or more forces join then the greater can and does overtakes the weaker or the weakest group.
The very foundation of America is in being a Free society. Free from excessive restraints and financial burdens and authoritative tyrannical regimes by political groups, that want more money, more power and more resources for themselves and their network. Our founders drafted a Contractual Constitution that the original States political authorities agreed to abide by. Yet even then as now people seek to circumvent the laws and rules for personal gain and profits. Gains and profits. Commodities and assets. Survival of the fittest and most cunning and biggest liars. So how does a a group of people, the citizenry, keep those people in check and restrained while they are doing the very same thing to their neighbors, communities and society.
Money and profits and greed need to be seriously looked at. Modern day society in virtually any country has a top down approach: govt rulers, business owner- mafia types, the masses and street criminals. Buy sell trade or steal, to fulfill a want or need. Be it physiological or physical or out of hunger the desire or craving is part of being human. So striking a balance in how to supply the necessary tools and methodologies so society can be and stay civilized is key and crucial. For thousands of years commodities were traded by individuals and tribes. Over the decades many items have been considered valuable or that they store value.
And whom ever has the most stored value is considered wealthy and has the tangible ability to buy power and influence. Again money power and greed. Controlled, balanced, chained, with rules, statutes or and laws. Man simply can not govern itself with out boundaries, be it self disciplined or written by some authority.
Religious and Christian philosophy all believe in a higher authority that makes the rules, commands respect, and gives or takes human life. Christian faiths believe theirs ten commandments written in stone to be obeyed by humans. And humans educate their families of these laws and discipline themselves to stay clear of breaking them. Secular society has hundreds of thousands of rules called legalese. And are written with legislative authority. So in all society's rules are made and handed down and taught to the members of society. Today in modern society we call it POLITICAL PARTY'S. Those people who want certain rules or laws changed gather like minded people to form a powerful force of will to bring with them to the power ruler writers to try and have laws changed.
What society wants is a civil non violent non threatening way of gathered forces to get rules abolished or enacted. What certain wealthy highly educated or learn ed persons want is to be the ultimate authority over the rules and rule making and enforcer or have the influence in others doing their will regardless of the dangers or consequences to others.So humanity gets the likes of people like Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Theodore Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin and so forth. With new ideologies and political forces rising and falling in various countries. But inevitably We The People when necessary do come around by will and or force to right the wrongs done by others, in power over a society. Revolution. The very Constitution gives this authority to We The People to do such things when its absolutely necessary for the sake of the people.
Leadership is the problem in government a bodies !! As always, governments motivation, is always been grounded in GREED from any and all parties !! For decades!!
Or we can create the coolest Internet Economic Board Game and apply it to individual cities in every " Nation State. "
Nintendo just created a new game called - Sustainable Town ! Where the player ( and every player ) starts with a 1$M credit line. To qualify a person: they answers a survey. And those answers are analyzed. And ones Wage Level is determined.
Banks are Separate Currency - Wealth Distribution Centers. They and all businesses are no longer Profit Establishments. Loans are eliminated so zero debt is never established ever.
Banks are Inner City Wealth Distribution of Credits System only. No money. No taxes. No interest. No inflation.
And they have two DESPERATE Internet systems:
Inner net and Intranet. For integrity & security neither can connect together or to one another.
Because every legal entity receives an income /operating capital credit line there is no need for taxes or profit. Currency Credits are pre-deposited in a person or services account to draw a weekly operating income from.
USB Thumb Drive is used as a Wallet. Go to a Terminal and upload transfer credits.
Credits simple circulate in a Nation State always returning back to the spenders account.

Businesses- 5M
Services- 2M
Wages- 1M
Each and every person and business / service establishment is credited with 1$ M - 5$M Credits. Credit line accounts are opened at legal start up / birth. Distribution of income starts at age 16 for persons.
A USB Encrypted Drive Wallet is supplied for deposits and withdrawals.
Every week each and every person receives a wage allotment from their WD Center Account, which eliminates poverty. The credit flows accordingly;
WD Center Holdings / Distribution
Retail / Service
Supplier / Reorders
Production / Distribution
WD Center
User WD Account
So it circulates out and back in. No inflation or debt And no taxes or interest.
WD Center Holdings / Distribution
Retail / Service
Supplier / Reorders
Production / Distribution
WD Center
User WD Account
So it circulates out and back in. No inflation or debt And no taxes or interest.
It's a no brainer.
4 tiered Weekly Incomes - from Ages 16-96.
1) 500 - 2)800 - 3)1200 - 4)1700 credits. 80% of citizens receive at Levels 1, 2, 3.
Wage Level Qualifications:
Community Standing-disabled, age, single married, family 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8-up -children, Retired.
Education attained-
Energy Effort Given-
Skill Training-
These criteria are used to determine income levels.
Wealth at passing returns to the Public WDCenter Coffer Accounts.
Each credit is an inventory ticket. Its code is then paired with the item received. This pairing info is automatically sent to a NS Supply system for compilation. And a reorder request is sent to the NS Production system for re-filling.A business uses a credit line for the construction of its physical b4uilding, and operational needs. It acquires a product the same way as a person does. But handled differently based on its coded product thats ordered.
A stapler is recordable.
But an I-beam is not as it is used in construction of the original building.
And its order flow direction depends on what it is the establishment is ordering. It will go via the Land Zone Planing or Supply and Retail Planning System.
Each Flow System is a Verification Module Plug In in a main server in each NS Department. And is established for Inventory Chain purposes.
NS Systems Assets stay with in the borders of a town, city, and the Nation State itself. To minimize pilfering and smuggling. Treaties bring online other Sustainable NS states and suppliers.
Business credits up to 5$M Credits annually.
Services credits up to 1-5$ M Credits annually.
As these establishments take in credits, they merely are taking in barter tickets from peoples accounts and is deposited returned to WDCenter. accounts.
Spending is always within available account balanced.
City Tax levels - 0
County Tax Levels -0
State Wage Tax Levels-0
Federal Tax Levels - 0 zero
(Commodity Pricing at wholesale and Retail is reset to 1971 Gold Standard Levels if every State would follow. Basically peso value equals US Currency value.).
In 2018, According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were about 127.59 million households in the United States. So if you do the math, and if Andrew Yang’s little project just target every household in America, this would cost $1.5 Trillion every year. - Sara
Costs??? Lol. There is None!
ZERO COSTS·Zero TAXES·Zero Profits· - Credits have none of this!
Every transaction is Block Chain and a Receipt is printed. If the electricity Gos out an official monthly receipt is used To show ownership. (12 Receipts or 48 wkly receipts) .
Security -
- Inner City Internet T1 w/Encryption:
WD Center to User to Retail to NS Supply ReOrder.
- And Intra Net used for Ordering:
UB Drives transfer Orders physically.
- Zero Back Door Coding:
Fines and deportation for illegal code protocols.
So can people get 10 TV's?
No. 1 Tv per room is all.
Can people have ten cars?
No. 1 car per person. 16 - 20 can get qty 1-3 ... 5 yr old or older vehicles. household can fit a certain limit of vehicles on its property.
Can people have 100 tampons?
No. A legitimate supplier outlet can have back inventory. A person can have 10 per month. 3 brands yes. But only 10. Waste and resources controls.
Can a person have ten cats and or dogs.
No. Breeders can facilitate an inventory of 30 of each animal.people can have 1- 3 total mix.
Is prostitution legal?
No. Massage Outlets, Sex Robots are available and regulated.
Can a person stock up on food ?
No. 90 day limitation of back stock. Based on occupancy.
Acquiring goods and services is quantified by use and occupancy and credit budget.