The Rise Of The Beast...
Minds Of Men; Occult Knowledge Narcissistic Psychopaths Networked Group Subversive Manipulative Science Technocracy Politics Economic. Education - The New World Order - The One World Religion...
Typical "we shall rule the world" grandiose ideology. But gather enough of the rich and powerful together and becoming their own secret society supporting a New (the old order rewritten) One World Order Agenda 'Bilderberg Group' 'Club Of Rome' ' CFR' 'Rand Corparation' etc., CREATE MONOPOLIES of corporate structure by legalese ( replacing laws ), of banks & finance, politics, industry, commodities, services, distribution, it is being done.
INFILTRATE the corporate political depts, education systems, economic engines with fascist atheistic people into management, to subdue, manipulate and control the people business politics etc..
PROBLEM CHAOS SOLUTION by learned men and women..Essentially, the Cloward-Piven strategy would lead to the complete control of citizens through Socialism-Communism construct.
The objective was chaos and turmoil, “A massive drive to create the poor pushed onto the welfare rolls.” Cali's and SanFran's homeless problems. The hail mary pass - creating enough chaos to bring down the current system, so they can rebuild it in the image of Venezuela . “A federal program of income redistribution becomes necessary to elevate the poor en masse from poverty allegedly.” The New Economic Deal is similar to what Congress women Cortez boats about in the NEW GREEN DEAL.
Its a complete COMMUNIST MARXIST sham taught in colleges and pushed by groups of community organizations funded by taxpayer dollars, George Soros, Rockofeller & Rothchild Dynasty
from Ceciel Rhodes inheritencas, & Bush & Clinton Foundations.
Satan Destroying souls along the way. Evil is just the opposite of holiness goodness righteousness. So it's pretty easy to see thru the satanic globalist sham being perpetrated on mankind.
They will kill as many as they desire, to steal power and control resources in and out of the new system. 3 Crypto currency will be adopted by Govt and all others will be outlawed across the globe.
Just remember when the power is turned off YOU HAVE ZERO WEALTH to your name !!! No mail no receipts no screen shots no bank account no money ....nothing !
( See what Paradise, Malibu Cali looks like in 5 yrs. )
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
- List of International Nation States Declaration Of Independence ; https://en.m.w...
Paradise Fire Burned Most Church Buildings, But ‘the Church Is Still Alive
The right of self-government by the States We The People, under the Bill of Rights ! Its that simple.This first video shows how War was car...