Be aware killers will be killed. Those who attack to harm you must be put down! Gay, Mexican, Muslim, Middle Eastern, Pakistan, Asian, black, white, Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Satanist, Homosexual, drug addict, who comes to murder you must be killed. Evil spirited must be permanently put down if it comes for you and your family and friends!
Civil War will cause selective Martial Law in Democratic stronghold States and Cities. The Deep State Markist Leftist Democratic leaders will lock up conservatives that the Democrats attack in Conservatives homes and work places and on the street. Very typical CIA Deep State AGENDA to destabilize a country or Nation State. Very similar to historic political infilitration s into countries like Ukraine, Libya, Vietnam, Korea, Columbia, etc, etc. to plant their puppet political markist leader. America's civil war will be a CIA program of Destabilization by the left not the right.
God has a plan also. He placed Donald Trump into the Whitehouse. Trump will CALL martial law and stabilize those blue Cities and States ! Military will arrest the leaders like Obama, Clinton, Soros, Comey, Strzok, Clapper, Jarred, Chaney, Bush, and the News Reporters who lie on television and in their news reportings as well as the political members supporting the Lefts destructive AGENDA. When false Flags become rampant you know CIVIL WAR has been declared by the Deep State!
Why do you think they work so hard to take away guns from Law abiding citizens? Why do you think the Police training has been militarized with hate and false conservative domestic terrorists Ideology demonizing conservatives? Most in the Police force will just go along to keep their paychecks regardless of how often they see or are involved supporting the leftists violence against conservatives! Why do you think foreigners are in Govt leadership positions and in CEO positions of power? They are with few morals, most are of a socialistic Communist upbringing, follow false gods and idols and false religious practices of heathenism and paganism!
The end is near for Jesus to take conservative Christian souls off the planet to protect them ! Revival is by God's design to give ample opportunity for people to chose Jesus as their King and Lord and Savior. When the temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt, when two holy witnesses return to earth to preach from the streets out of Israel and Egypt, when Damascus is completely destroyed and uninhabitable, keep looking for Jesus in the clouds of the heavens and his return. Christians will be saved. 2018 - 2039 are very serious destructive murderous times with huge so called natural disasters, famines, earthquakes, and massive storms and tidalwaves.
Americas Civil War will be against conservatives and christians and Jews in America . The enemy will be made up of Satanists, homosexuals, pedophiles, atheist, third world country marxist socialist citizens, people's released from prisons whom many have been converted to Islam, and Islamic Muslim followers.
The truth is its a war against the Godly MORAL people's of America. The question is will Christians defend themselves ? Or die as martyrs? The Bible is clear Man and Women can defend themselves even unto death. If your attacked with murderous force you can kill the attacker. As a Christian you are not to attack others. As a Christian you can defend your property and your life and the life of others!
Religion is common to almost ever person on earth in one form or another. Any cultic fanatical religion is almost certainly practicing abuses, sexual abuses, rituals of sacrifices, and murder of others. All evil practices. Because so many people aren't educated they are ignorant of truths in history about most religious wars and so called crusades. It's so easy to learn the real ancient historical facts today but people are to lazy or to busy or feel it's a waste of time. But in reality learning it will have a life or death effect on you and your life! Death comes but will it come from fanatical rebellious foreigners or from natural causes? Because it is coming... Like 911, OKC Bombing, WACO, Ruby Ridge, Las Vegas shootings, Sandy Hook and other Deep State sponsored terrorist acts! Your FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA, DHS, TSA, are corrupted GOVERNMENTAL organizations led by corrupt homosexual Satanist atheist drug addict sexual predatory muslim leaders.
And Americans are at the cross hairs of Evil doers in Government positions of power and in corporate leadership roles.