Hi Andrea,
Hey, have you ever visited the Guard House at the WB PG&E Warehouse ? Have you taken a really good look at the filth and dust and possible black molds growing ?
I feel I need to bring attention to a probable environmental health issue with in the security guard office building caused by leaky ceiling and roof and or pipes.
Tuesday I noticed literally a puddle of water in the guard office on the floor after the heavy rains. I mentioned it to the supervisor. At some point shortly after, the puddle was quickly removed.
The issue is the mold and the dust accumulation on the vents ceiling tiles around the window sills and tables and walls.
Honestly I feel (and if it is black mold) this is an extremely toxic environment to work in daily.
I feel a professional service should be called in and inspect the entire guard office. Inspections and quotes are free based on my research.
Not sure who has the liability but I'm sure that can easily be determined. People should not have to work days weeks and months or years in such a potential toxic environment.
By the obvious buildup its been an on going problematic situation for years. Easily identifiable by the visible water stained ceiling tiles odors a/c vents and air exchange systems vents.
Someone needs to take action to confirm and at the very least clean up the office environment there for all the guards well being. Most molds are toxic and some cause lung cancers.
I'm not a mold expert but I can say the signs in my option are evident and clear.
The employees are really good people. Employees deserve better as well as guests who enter this building.
Thanks for listening.
DD Fread
Muscatine Ia
Hi Andrea,
Hey, have you ever visited the Guard House at the WB PG&E Warehouse ? Have you taken a really good look at the filth and dust and possible black molds growing ?
I feel I need to bring attention to a probable environmental health issue with in the security guard office building caused by leaky ceiling and roof and or pipes.
Tuesday I noticed literally a puddle of water in the guard office on the floor after the heavy rains. I mentioned it to the supervisor. At some point shortly after, the puddle was quickly removed.
The issue is the mold and the dust accumulation on the vents ceiling tiles around the window sills and tables and walls.
Honestly I feel (and if it is black mold) this is an extremely toxic environment to work in daily.
I feel a professional service should be called in and inspect the entire guard office. Inspections and quotes are free based on my research.
Not sure who has the liability but I'm sure that can easily be determined. People should not have to work days weeks and months or years in such a potential toxic environment.
By the obvious buildup its been an on going problematic situation for years. Easily identifiable by the visible water stained ceiling tiles odors a/c vents and air exchange systems vents.
Someone needs to take action to confirm and at the very least clean up the office environment there for all the guards well being. Most molds are toxic and some cause lung cancers.
I'm not a mold expert but I can say the signs in my option are evident and clear.
The employees are really good people. Employees deserve better as well as guests who enter this building.
Thanks for listening.
DD Fread
Muscatine Ia