Monday, May 8, 2017


                Frankly I am neither a democrat nor a republican but I did vote republican this time. And if a liberal or libertarian got in so be it. WHAT I MEAN IS LETS BACK OUR POLITICAL MEMBERS WHEN THEY ARE RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND VOTED INTO OFFICE.

                And when they are dead wrong then we the people must remind them they are our voice and our actions. Not the actions of a tyrannical and soon to be criminal acting council and administrator staffers if so found to be, with fake charges against a Mayor elected by the people . So is she qualified? Did she go in with her eyes wide open and research her duties and historic records of hat the Mayors did do and how they performed.

Do we the people help her grow into her job for WE THE PEOPLE?

Is the Mafia running the Muscatine political system is my next question? The way so many sheeple corporate staff dont follow the laws and are so beholding to the Federal Dollars coming into town, it makes me wonder.

Remember the corporate govt is a corporation. And we know corporate owners want you to bend to their illegal policies. And they easily corrupt politicians or bring corrupt politicians into a town, from NH or even Virginia perhaps...

Which members are not even bible belt conservatives that work for the City Supervisory rolls? East coast and Chicago attitudes do not fit well in the Midwest  if you ask me. And you probably should be researching just who these people are and where they come from. And do we want the likes of them running the city we all share and prosper in and raise our kids in - gangster politics is not wanted in any positions in the City Corporate Govt - SORRY !

(courtesy qca times news paper online)

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