Thursday, May 11, 2017

Living The Deception

This is what the world is doing today with few exceptions. Following our dreams has left people spiritually bankrupt and with little knowledge of the truth of the heavens and hell and the spiritual evil that does inspire so many to stay blind to the reality of the almighty creator and the authority he passed onto his son Jesus Christ. Free will has been exercised to desire and seek the richness and personal glory and selfish agendas. A narcissistic self indulgent society can not and will not survive. God is a jealous God, and he created humanity and all things for his pleasure and glory. And to love and be loved. To share and enjoy relationships with his creations. A God that knows you one from another and knows every cell in your body.''

Be afraid for God is about to show his powers so great you can only say this GOD COULD ONLY DO THESE THINGS FOR MAN IS NOTHING EVEN IN THEIR TECHNOLOGIES AND GOVERNMENTAL MILITARISM OR OF THEIR SCIENCES THAT CAN DO WHAT A GOD, THIS GOD can do. God is revealing himself to a dumbed down humanity. God is giving you signs and wonders today, and only yesterday. Dont close your eyes and your ears and your mind to God and his wonders in the heavens and on the earth and in the market place. For God is working all things that his glory shines bright so you can see and know and come to your senses. 

His son is at the door right now, And he is knocking plenty loud enough and he wants you to open the door and let him into your life and in your circle. For Christ has all the authority of the father God the creator and he is at your door with love and forgiveness and Gods message to you - join my son and accept him as your lord and king. Walk with my son and walk as he walks that you will be found to be clean and righteous to enter the gates of heaven. 

 Al he wants is for you to come and live for all eternity with him...

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