Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Will This Be The Next Menah Arkansas



Muscatine Municipal Airport has re made their airport landing stripe. Its over 5400 feet long and 100 foot wide, big enough for a Military Cargo Plane to land and takeoff. 

This is also how the CIA got cocaine shipped into Mena Arkansas under then Governor Bill Clinton, by a small out of the way airport, and creating a new Government Dept for 0% to low interest  loans, to allegedly help towns and cities - it was the Governors Drug Laundering of drug profits...The Airport Project in Muscatine a $4.8 million project removed and replaced runway 6/24 at the Muscatine Municipal Airport and was 90 percent funded through federal and state sources. Included was work on part of the taxiway that includes the new FAA designed turnaround, new runway signage due in part to new FAA geometric layouts, and updated Terracon recommendations for underdrains. 

Federal, state, and local airport sponsors all have a role in providing adequate infrastructure and services to support the demands of the air transportation system. Recommendations address specific goals and general concepts for the system. A cooperative approach towards the implementation of plan recommendations is necessary for the Iowa aviation system to meet the air transportation demands of the state. Continued management of essential programs and services by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Office of Aviation helps strengthen the safety and security of the state aviation syste

              So just why is the CIA into shipping illicit drugs into the US ? Mainly so they could operate covertly to fund their cover operations such as selling and providing weapons illegally   to dictator puppet governments staff in other countries like Columbia, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, etc. Today the federal government which is actually a corporation USA.INC runs as a for profit operation / corporation out of Washington DC.    Today the federal government oversees and protects and supports the cocaine poppy agriculture in Afghanistan, which supplies 70% of all world cocaine supplies to create cocaine and heroin. Many a military person has committed suicide allegedly for discovering that the USA.INC Military operations were for drug support distribution and sales across the world. Like bankers who discover the illegal operations of money laundering under cover  of National Security, these people are reported to commit suicide. Actually they are murdered.

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