Thursday, April 20, 2017


WARS and rumors of wars -  we are in the end times. AMERICA IS VERY DIVIDED and all peoples need to stop trying to hurt one another and come together for good and with GODS inspiration reaching out to Jesus and his holy spirit and inspirations. Gods plan is to save his chosen people when the bombs come to AMERICA. GODS sword is about to be pushed forward for a short season in AMERICA. GODs plan is to propser AMERICA to eliminate the trillion dollars in debt from many veins of GOLD to be kept buried and asanctioned as AMERICAS NEW FORT KNOCK. Never to be dug up but to leverage it against the debt. TRUMP will change the banking system in AMERICA and I suspect the cashless society will be allowed but it will help millions and reduce crime and drug and sex trafficking.

Evil will do its thing and good people will stay away from evil doings. GODS Plan is to allow this division so when war comes he will have the left and the right and the christian camps locked in safety. The rest will feel GODS WRATH and the rockets incoming.

Bible times and comparisons to today is astonishing ! Remember that the end times is just like in NOAHS Day of the great FLOOD OVER THE EARTH. Noah took a year to build the Ark  and then the animals came and soon it began to rain and never stopped for 40 days. 

Everything will feel great to people with prosperity and happiness, marrying and drunkenness will be a great thing after a few wars and they will say PEACE PEACE. And the people will be happy and feel secure that war is over and 3.5 years of peace and security is at hand. Treats have been signed and countries have partnered together.

And then sudden destruction across the whole earth will begin and in 3.5 years many a nation will be annihilated. Gods prophetic message of recent is of DONALD TRUMP becoming President to begin a wealth restoration for AMERICAS PEOPLE - So long as the people will turn back to GOD. He GOD through DONALD TRUMP will begin to restore AMERICA. Trump is annointed by the holly spirit believe it or not. No hes no Christ or perfect, but GOD is using TRUMP to help you know GOD is alive and well and very interested in AMERICAS FUTURE and your families future - if you come to him, obey his laws - ten commandments. He is pooring out blessings and the start of the restoration has began. Its your turn to watch and see GODS hand on TRUMP. And millions will benefit from GODS ORDER and moves and inspirations. 

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