Sunday, April 9, 2017

Muscatine Chinatown Marxist City Government Out Of Control or What

Is your Municpal Housing Authority using similar forms?  So why not? Well they not be aware of them. They may be a totalitarian administration so the less you know the more control they feel they have and wheel to control you . Regardless of your rights or Constitutional rights.

So what do people do when you believe your city government is not being fair to you? Well in the case of a HUD subsidized housing landlord tenant dispute you file a complaint to HUD right? And what if you dont like how your being treated by the federal corporation department of HUD? Who do you contact ? Well thats a really good question. Seems contacting the STATE DOJ DOESN'T DO ANY GOOD. Seems contacting the County Attorney or States Attorney General doesn't do any good. So maybe the Governor or the Senator for your State. HMMMM?

The Housing Authority received and accepted the tenants rent for April 06/2017 and the city Admin Staff called and had the  Police Dept give the tenant a courtesy call at their complex -  warning them  the legal tenant will be trespassing at midnight if caught on the grounds.

See an unlawful improperly served  improperly addressed Termination Notice was alleged to have been served to a tenant and received to a tenant and was given 90 days after an alleged breach of lease was to of occurred per landlord statement and not with in 30 days of a landlord declaring the breach occurred and proceeded a termination action anyways on an impoverished senior citizens  male who is a disabled person, then tried to lock this tenant person out of his paid in full for the month dwelling and complex with out a court order action to evict and had not been legally evicted and then again called upon the MPD to give a second courtesy call on tenant at City Hall in the middle of doing business  with the city staff and was asked to leave, and then again later MPD gives a third courtesy call on tenant at his complex and notified tenant he is banned from the city hall w/o an appointment is told tenant will be arrested for trespassing .

So when does this become harassment by the City Government aka City Charter Corporation of a legal tenant who has paid their rent in full (with all conversations captured on recording )?

Anyone know a good attorney?

Trying to force a tenant out is unlawful is it not when they have a legal lease ?

How can a city corporation use the long arm of the law as a harassment tool as well as ban a citizen from doing business with their government body?

As the city staffer lied and said the Administrator was gone and later they show up and cordially confront you and remove the staff member you were doing business with out of the room?

I think Senator Grassley will be interested in these events. The Admin once a military person did take an Oath to the Constitution  to up hold it protect it  and it's citizens and now does the opposite of it. Strange how  Federally funded projects in ones city will corrupt a city's moral compass won't it.

Welcome to Communist Muscatine Chinatown newest Marxist Government !

Okay number 1 always give respect to your Peace Keeping Police Officers - they are charged to insure the peace is kept. Period, Okay! 

Second women, lie 70% of the time to keep their jobs and place men in harms way in the courts and in front of cops, to get their way..and any divorced male can tell you that from experience whos gone through the divorce process. 

The political agenda is to divide the people.It has been supported by the political left and the political right for decades. The purpose is to keep people fighting amongst themselves at the lowest levels while your corporate government subverts your rights, steal the wealth from the taxpayers coffers in inflated salaries and benefits and pension packages, and kick backs and embezzlement. Example is the Sheriffs dept allegedly had $82,000.00 stolen from their department. Here's the problem - computers and hackers - NSA, CIA, FBI Shadow Government operatives, can screw with any ones computers if it is connected to the Internet today. Thats been going on since its inception, even when WEB-TV was first starting out. But because of the laziness of all people including myself we continue using the worst technology ever invented for convenience. And the corporate technocrats use it to subvert you and your rights. Iowa is a right to work state but if your black balled then the shadow government will work in secret to slander you or perpetuate hate against you. Thats a fact revealed  by the Veritas Project and can be seen on their Youtube channel and in an interview with Roger Stone. 

Today in my complex the criminally minded tenants are scared to death as is the manager of having a tenant start a new TENANT ASSOCIATION in their building. So theirs a handful of them spewing hate amongst the other tenants against one tenant. The website that tenant created was for the real purpose of educating all tenants who have Internet access to the LANDLORD TENANT LAWS. And to the probability of a, or their Management subverting their rights - their Constitutional Rights. 

If a lease agreement has been terminated legally and lawfully following the law and adhering to the lawful procedures step by step, then the tenant should move out. Most landlords prefer this as do most tenants. 

If a tenant believes the landlord is unlawfully terminating the lease contract, then they do not have to move out and simply let the landlord take them to court, or get an attorney of you can find one and afford one (landlord tenant disputes are civil cases and not criminal cases so the court will not appoint you an attorney no matter how much you wine) . Everything you do as a tenant better be done in earnest and in good faith. Cause Judges do not like it when the tenant is being a horses ass to the landlord. Who does ? Being treated like a jerk by anyone isn't fun . 

Okay so the cops show up. Listen to them. Pay attention. Take notes. Take them serious. Record the conversation as soon as you are able to - period, in case you need to go to court. In IOWA it is awful under Ia State code if one 1 person knows their conversation is being recorded then better it be you that is doing it. When you can upload it to the cloud private account (yes the NSA and all them have it also) or youtube and set it on PRIVATE. And double check that it is as youtube is notorious for having your settings change mysteriously. If the respect their Oath they took they will double check your information you shared - its their job to gather info and investigate it further ok - so dont lie to them. You will totally destroy your credibility. If you believe you have committed a crime plead the 5th - I wont be answering any questions today Officer________. They wont like it but you have a Constitutional right to not incriminate yourself and can just shut up as sometimes you can say stuff that will incriminate you when you think it wont. If you believe your 100% sure you are appropriate in your steps and lawful in your actions and desire to be transparent ok. Just remember the CROOKS will dance around your statements and create false narratives and false documents even and try with all their might to take you down. We all have experienced this at our work places. And yes LIFE is getting harder and more stressful - BECAUSE PEOPLE HAVE AGENDAS AND THEY LIE ALL THE TIME. We all are living in an age of DECEPTION. And people in power with agendas dont care about the truth or your truth. 

Common sense does not always prevail unfortunately. This is where the little sheep usually just take the abuse and move on, damaged but not dead right. Which is why being  A ONE TIN SOLDIER isn't a good thing today. As the so called enemy mounts and builds their network, and the LIES ARE TOLD ENOUGH TIMES AND REPEATED (this is the luciferian way to change societies belief in what is normal as being abnormal)

Remember Govt has to win and they will do it at all costs especially when they feel threatened with a potential lawsuit and personal loss to their position of power. Which brings us to the Muscatine Chinatown Syndrome. If your City Power center is of the Globalism MIND set they will feel threatened by CONSERVATIVE and MORAL back boned GODS GUNS GUTS Patriot Traditional Conservative Ideologies. And heres where the clash comes in - THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS - are a real stumbling block for them and for the Federalists Departments like the HUD Federal Department. 

The dilemma is they kept writing so many laws to add more and more people to support and to enforce them, so eventually when these same laws snare them, they lie and cover up and network power centers together with the criminally minded to keep legal and appropriate actions that will move against them stifled at all costs. They will literally create so  much NOISE your voice is not only heard but also your FREE SPEECH is shut down all together -  aka CALL IN THE POLICE AND HAVE YOU BANNED FROM THE CITY HALL STAFFERS AND THREATENED WITH JAIL IF YOU ' TRESPASS' on your public city hall property you spent a life time supporting in taxes. 

So who's at the HEART of the gang of misfits and ill reputes? Sorry to say - LIBERAL FEMINIST WOMEN ! How do you know who they are and what they stand for ? Well find out very quickly what THEY DO NOT STAND FOR is the easiest way - MENTION GOD or JESUS in any sentence structure - and watch how their spirit makes their body react to it !  

So now you know who the followers of the luciferian politically correct secular humanists are, how do you combat it ? Jesus and the Holy Spirit ! And that's a fact.

If you have never seen the HUD Guidlines Book then you are in for a big surprise. The Feds use more paper in a year than a forest can grow to be HARVESTED IN A LIFETIME. Their HUD book is as thick as a tire and wrim on an automobile. Imagine trying to legislate HUMANITY in written words ? God created the Bible  and gave us a heart and a brain. He said lets us come and reason together. When people in authority wont come together and reason then it becomes a civil war of their own chosing - because Government doesnt fly on common sense and reason. They follow a GUIDE BOOK and walk around in a bubble. 

And they lose sight of themselves and who they are as a person, until people get hurt. Lavoy gave his life, Mike Ruppert gave his life, whistleblowers give their lives.... to help protect and preserve the rightas of others in America. The Constitution is worth giving ones life for, so others will prosper and pursuit their dreams and live in peace.   Anyone can learn it if their superiors or teachers or city officials will support the education and share the information. 

Returning humanity in America back to a civilized  society can be done in 3 generations. Ask the Marxists - they knew they could destroy america from with in in 3 generations - control the education and minds of the youngest - control the financial economy of a nation state -  control the food production ! 

You know the cause is just when they keep trying to preserve their own institutions and the draconing systems they established. And their rule book is as thick as a tire. The tencommandments are split into two parts. The second have 5 of them is about how we the people treat one another..5 RULES. Thats it. Yet the feds can right volumes on how people should act talk walk wipe their butts and yours, and on and on. Its just bizarre. 

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