Sunday, April 2, 2017

Collapse by Michael C Ruppert

Michael died from a broken heart - depression. From heaven, he will know his work lives on, for truth is eternal, as is Michael now.

Arrogance, ego, the prettiest clothes, being self righteous, having the most toys, means nothing when your dead... we come into the world with nothing, and we leave the world with nothing but our spirit. Which neither man nor alien extraterrestrial made and or conceived.  

But some how, instinctively we know our spirit go's on to some where.

That instinct is inherent in us all.

Just as we instinctively know - right from wrong.

And our only real choice, is one of those two choices - to do what is right, or do the other.

Mans ultimate confusion from within themselves, has to do with 'what is right and who's definition of right is truth, is reality'.

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