Thursday, March 30, 2017

Stefan Molyneux: Globalism Is In Full Panic Mode

POWER ADDICTS - - -  that's what happens to people with lots of power and especially unbridled power. The fall of Lucifer came from his unbridled pride and like so many women today are unbridled and allow themselves to follow their hearts into stuff that is destroying their souls. Humanity needs to humble its self and thus it helps a person to stay balanced and grateful... Any one else get it yet ?

Christ was humble and good and very thoughtful and he shared a kind loving heart. There's thousands of cases that he healed people and feed the multitudes. Because he really was the vessel of GOD on earth in a physical body. His love was incredible and showed everyone. Remember we are made of a collective of atoms and minerals in various energy vibration levels of energy, and glued together with GODS will.  But the elite corporate ideologies is for people to believe there was no God and man came from the STARS - lol. 

Can you really create a person? Procreation is not mans invention. But you can train up a  human being. So how do you want your human being to be like? What would make you really happy helping a human being grow u into ? A HITLER ? A Lucifer ? A Jesus ?

Why would anyone want to be like Jesus ? Well being on the inside next to the creator has got to be pretty amazing. Just look at everything he created and continues to create and control and mold people lol. Gives me goose bumps, really.

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