Saturday, March 4, 2017

Saudi Suni USA lead war against the Shia to expand the Bankers financial control of the middle east and enslave them in national debt to the International banking systems - not for peace, but for Lucifers dominance of the world - The New World Order WITH THE ONE WORLD RELIGION . 

The fraud CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX is all about world taxation aka CARBON TAX to finance the illegal wars and murders against citizens of the world. Cypress has had a bankers hair cut because of the wealth on that island, to steal it by the international bankers. The European union was all about taxing all those nations for the bankers. PUERTO RICO is now bankrupt because of the massive loans it can not pay back, thus under the financial control of its financial systems and economy by the international bankers. And Valenzuela and Brazil are under the same financial attacks by the international bankers. The world is in an ECONOMIC WAR with the International Banking private Illuminati Lluciferian owners.

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