Thursday, March 23, 2017

Man Who Predicted Globalist Agenda Speaks Out

A TRADESMAN used to be able to take care of their faily, and become a successful business person. But the elite corporate owners have stole the free markets, with the partnership of government, to over regulate humanity, to box them in then tax them to death and not allow them to develop via the enterpenuier spirit to improve themselves and their lives. Creating 4.1 million government jobs with only 12 million factory workers, and govt jobs keep rising. Soon they will cut those jobs back and starve the educated as they did with the blue cooler workers. And  they have stole via the housing bubbles, peoples property. BY KEEPING PEOPLE FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES, PROPERTY andFOR THEIR FAMILIES TO STAY TOGETHER, people simply fall behind, become alcoholics, and drug addicts, and divorced, kisd are screwed up with government education propaganda, and the mass media owned by 5 corportions tell you the lies of the politically correct way to think - let government train and keep you safe ! AND THE ENSLAVE THEMSELVES WITH UNCLE SAM as their sugar daddy, s the government pedophiles steal their kids and their innocence with se education propaganda programs in schools at ages as early as 5. Nothing has changed. The top 1 % own 50% of the worlds wealth !! There will be new taxes and new reasons to tax those independant women and make thousnads to end up in poverty. Gof forbid if morality by the divine powers of heaven be aloud to permeate the human heart. 

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