Sunday, March 19, 2017

1154 - 2017 - Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Constitution, and the American Government

The Great Charter of Liberties, with limited government and freedom  - freeman -  and the rule of law applies to everyone in the land - King, Queen, Parliament, the Round Tables Networked of Associations, the Long Armed forces, the citizenry, the elitists, the poor.

The Divine Right of King was a top down approach to governing the community and the country.Since the King is Jesus Christ, who was born in a manger, walked humbly among the peoples, washed the feet of the disciples, rode a donkey(not a beautiful strong horse), he set the true example of how a KING all man elected or appointed Kings should act and be.  Jesus said all man are g_ds, and have the power and ability to be so. This is the liberty that is GOD the father given to every man on earth - for what is in heaven let it be so on earth. For man is a earthly vessel of the spirit that is a g_d, made in God the fathers image. Since God gave this authority to his creation Adam and Eve, he also gave a hierarchy ladder for mankind. God the father, Jesus Christ, Husband, Wife, children, community, nation state. The power is given to individual men or persons as individual Kings by birth right, birth creation by God. 

The individual Kings such as seamstresses, farmers, business people, laborers, artists, sculptures, basket weavers, and so forth all got together and decided that a body of law abiding persons should joi in like minded fashion of ideologies and strength to give the security from oppressive rulers from a far and with in the tribe of their community. That they would take the laws of nature and God and in a written document should by announcement declare to all the land the Magna Carta Greater Charter of LIBERTY and RIGHTS OF Freemen -  FREE BORN PERSON HOOD.

The tax collectors and the business tradesmen of the Kings wanted to enrich themselves and to do so had the King announce that the KING SHOULD GOVERN OVER TRADE and COINAGE and COMMERCE  and the LONG ARM FORCES.  And they began the long walk and journey to enslave the peoples and make the skilled and laborers their resources for their wealth collections to enrich themselves and the king and did pervert the Governing Authority by greed and excess. The community and nation state after centuries of
oppression of laws and abuses of the law enforcement a civil war and revolution came to occur, and not for just any reason.

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