Friday, March 10, 2017


Psalm 2

1 Why do the nations conspire
 and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:

He said to me, “You are my son;
today I have become your father.
8 Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron[b];
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.


So Hilary Clinton talks to a SPIRIT (Beyounce has said she is possessed by a Demon) and she believes it's Elanor Roosevelt. Katty Perry, Lady Gaga, and so many rock n roll solo artists and bands today and over the years, have said they mentally and in their hearts had made a commitment to the devil Lucifer Satan for personal glory and fame and riches - most end up losing their fortunes and die broke - what the devil gives the devil takes away and destroys. Freemasons, Illuminati, Luciferian, the Vatican, Masonic, the Federal corporate government, the British, China Communists, Russian, Islamic Caliphate empires, all satanic inspired organizations and leaders.  Have you to to bust to notice or even care or even beware from all the symbolism around us.

WHICH SATANIC INSPIRED IDOLIC IDEOLOGICAL CULT DO YOU FOLLOW ?  Thinking its tame and fun and entertaining ?

baphomet -

So understand when the Nephilium were created by mating with the women, they had children who eventually died and when they died God sent those spirits, their souls, all but of 10,000 OF THEM TO HELL. 10,000 demons roam the earth just on the other side the earthly dimension that surrounds us all.  They pretend to be characters of former people and even pretend to be your dead relatives. They have lived for thousands of years and they hear the sounds of the world, the voices of the people. And thousands of years they have learned how to distinguish those sound vibrations, of living people and see their spiritual aurora given off, so they try to manipulate people in demonic occult hidden knowledge of the ancient spirits, pretending to be kind souls and your friend.

Now that we know demons co-exist in this world and inspire mankind we begin to see why people are becoming so wicked today - they have no light of God IN  them. They have only a spirit of darkness and what we see manifesting out of people through their imaginations and free speech is darkness and a death culture and a desire to destroy. The signs are all around us - from musicians singers and song writers, to celebrities and movie producers, to our politicians and the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda, and in our tv programs,and cartoons and even  Disney.  The internet is a demonic treasure trove of demonic inspirational messages that touches the heart and souls and minds of those who seek ENTERTAINMENT.  Its very subtle messages, and images that leads to many layers from the imaginations of man and woman inspired from demons. Magicians are no exception as it is all about magic -

Its time to recognize the ancient mysteries of the demon world. Any great governmental power recognizes the power of the dark side and they don't care what its called, it's package its wrapped in with a bow, so long as they can tap inot just like HITLER did to gain the upper hand and push their satanic inspired agenda forward  - TOTAL SOCIETAL CONTROL  you giving your free will and you chose to side with them and o will it so to be their slave for the riches and safety and fortunes (if any) they promise. But REMEMBER THIS - when they are through with you - to perpetuate their agenda - someone some how a force will come and take it all awy IN ANOTHER WAY another form, be it drugs and accidents and premiums or taxes, you will be taken down a notch or two. This feeds your desire to STAY ON TOP and do more dangerous illegal immoral activities towards others. And you will be so wrapped up in sin and illegal activities, you wont no how to get out of it all and then you reach out to others and drag them down. The Luciferian agenda - make you satans slave on earth, wanting more lusting more, desiring more, seeking more rewards and pleasures, feeling free and invincible. 

How long will you survive the government satanic ride they promise you ? 
How long will they allow it ?

The plan is to destroy the old blessings of God on earth, and build up the satanic technological world being created by the extraterrestrial alien cultist hidden knowledge aka fallen angels who are thousands of years old, into what Lucifer's desire is for his agenda 21 & agenda 30  United Nations programs made up of over 93 dictator tyrant members nations states - just another remake of what he had done in the ancient world, the dark ages, the renaissance period, and up to today.   America and the world is being splintered into hundreds of ideologies and pocket after pocket of minority groupings of sin and darkness. We see it in the war between women and men, government and society, gays and heterosexuals, police and the innocent, corporate business taking over the free market, the death agenda of society using toxic vaccines, perspiration drugs and synthetic street drugs that are bad prescription inventions, microwave and Doppler radar and cell phone technology, GMOs, HAARP radio wave atmospheric weapons for weather control and manipulation, Chemtrail toxic chemical aerosol atmospheric spraying, nuclear radiation accidents, fluoridated water and fraking that uses fluid toxic chemicals, chemicals and hybrid animals and on and on. Using mind control techniques that was developed in German, the UK M5 SECRET SERVICES, and then into the CIA experimental programs.

The earth and our solar system is bombarded with satanic demonic deities. So how do people protect themselves from being affected by their agendas against humanity ?

First you have to research it and understand it - it is the reality of earth and of our physical dimensions and the matrix being created around you, your family, everyone, in the schools on tv and in music.
Recognize your world is bombarded and your free will is your weapon and your savior. CHOICE !
KNOWLEDGE is crucial and you have to do the research as you move forward. No one is coming to your door to save you and your family. STOP TAKING IN THE PROGRAMMING SOURCES  ad turn them all off.


TAKE A STAND AT ALL COSTS -  and get in the CIVIL WAR AGAINST EVIL that is in your near world environment !

Recognize it is evil that makes disease and inspires companies to make bad chemicals for consumer uses. Corrupt government POLITICAL PLAYERS and harmful foods, pornography, hate speech, Division in your community and in your schools, your law enforcement, your local government. IT IS EVERY WHERE all from PROGRAMMING FROM TE MASS MEDIAS we have consumer for decades.

But those are only the tools. Your spirit needs a cleansing a washing a renewing.  That comes with a personal commitment, a conscious effort on your part to seek real holy wisdom, real conversational prayer (not meditation) with Jesus.

And a plan of action; learn the evil and research the truth of it, discover and identify the evil to target the evil in your life and your community -  chose a stand and chose a battle, gather and network an army of like minded people, and watch your back and watch from all sides - co-workers - new enemies that just pop up in your life - old nemesis will return - DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING - START A NEW JOURNEY OF REAL HOPE AND CHANGE - the kind that creates positive and non destructive paths people are on now - recognize the societal groups and networks as good or evil.


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