Sunday, March 5, 2017

CONFIRMED President Trump's Obama Wire Tapping Claims Backed By Top Int...

This is so typical, a move of COMMUNIST MARXIST tactics and perportions. Obama's mentor was a life long  Marxist in Hawaii. He was raised as a MUSLIM in Indonesia. He is a Communist Saudi Manchurian Candidate to help destroy America with the Globalist Marxist Wealthy Elite. Obama and Clinton have both been funded by millions of dollars of their candidacies. Bill and Hilary lived in Russia for 3 years after college. Bill raped a 19 year old young women when he was kicked out of college. Hillary Clinton raped a 14 year old girl as Bill when he was Governor and he watched his wife go done on this child - research Cathy Obrien. These people are the wicked leaderships in America !!

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