Saturday, March 4, 2017


Is GOD THREATENING THE WORLD from the spiritual world ?! Well he said in the end times to watch for the signs in the heavens - so you would know he is in control of everything.

Thus a star that resembled a SWORD which stood
over the city and a comet that continued a whole year... on the feast of unleavened
bread on the EIGHT DAY of Nisan at the 
ninth hour of the night so great a light
..shown round the alter and the holy house that it appeared to be bright day time;
which lasted for half an hour...

66 AD Hales Comet was seen and A SIGN THE A SWORD that a great war was coming.1699, 1733, 1766, 1800, 1833, 1866, 1899, 1932, 1965, 1998 .

The Jews wondered for 4o years in the desert. Prayer and God was officially removed in 2003. This 40 year cycle of killing our children, americas bankruptcy and worthless currency, legalized perversions and homosexuality, and soon a great civil war and greater atrocities are coming to americas cities...  

9 11 in 11 - 11 - 2001 - Fukushima in 3 11 2011 

The signs are shinning so brightly in our time.

Israel was the given PROMISE LAND to the Jews who wondered in the wilderness after Moses lead them from their Egyptian captivity. The Egyptians were ruled over by hybrid humans, that were created when 'the fallen messenger rebellious angels came to earth and took all them wives as they saw fit to and mated with the women and had offspring - who grew to be mighty men' - Genesis 6. See The Book of ENOCH or listen on Youtube. As it was in Noahs time, so shall it be in the end times. The hybrid humans are being created via alien abductions, carried out under ground and in intra-terrestrial traveling space ships in our spaces between the earth and the outer bands of . The CHEMTRAIL CLOUD COVER and HAARP microwave and doplar radar systems is created and used to manipulate the weather systems in the upper atmosphere and to keep a cloud blanket and gray skies just above the earth of the populations from seeing the spaceships and orbs and traveling US Electromagnetic Anti-Gravity ships americas industrial complex has created with alien fallen angelic demonic deities. 

Jerusalem was destroyed 606 bc - and - 70 ad .

THE TRIBULATION PERIOD in our day is coming - The TETRAD MOONS had recently occurred and is the greatest sign in Gods time table.

So is HELL EXPANDING to make room for millions of souls imprisoned in the earth ? Is HELL really in the deep under ground dimensions of earth ?

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