Monday, February 11, 2019

Your Final Warning !

America is in a war . Globalism is a scam for the unlawful wicked elite to benefit using tools in wicked ways to steal and murder.

Waking up the public to the truth, educate them about their natural God given rights, is crucial to their and their families and for future generations survival and pursuit of happiness and peace and security.

 Call it a spiritual war of good and evil. Rights are rights. Theft of rights, property, money, liberty, by legalese and corruption is still theft. Believing govt and legislation will keep American citizens happy healthy and free is an ILLUSION propagated by Globalists progressive wicked people.

 The nooses and chains are getting tighter and thicker everyday that goes by. 

Solutions: Conservative Christian Local, County, State, Federal legislators and Counsel Members are needed. Global Secular satinistic witches atheist humanists are twisted and wicked And need removed.

Arm every American over age 16. Every one!

Accept Christ as your Lord and King and brother and pray daily.

Educate your family members. They need to know their God given natural rights, why govt makes such stupid laws and allows govt black ops false flags and propaganda to occur. Learn the real history!

Lead your family to Christ and support their journey.  Jesus in you. Church is fine to. But JESUS IN YOU makes you holly strong a moral person and connected to the powers in heaven . 

Call your DC Representative when they are on the wrong side of a Bill or Issue. VOTES MATTER! They know this.

Recognize there is two parties:
The wicked other party.
Repubs and Demos and Libertariians are in both.

Protect your income. Protect your property. Protect your family. Protect your good name.

Invest in silver coins pre 1964 as emergency MONEY.

Move off the east west coasts.
Move out of the city as affordably possible.

God anointed Trump for this season. Moral changes and prayer have to be made to keep Trump for 4 more years.

Globalist Demonrats the unbeliever is being cemented in their immorality by God. They choose their destiny. God chooses their judgement & punishment. God uses evil for his plans. To increase the believers and blind the deceivers.

Toleration of evil immoral actions is unacceptable. Go along to get along is what govt sheeples do till retirement. The ultimate reward is not an easychair till death. The ultimate reward is God saying to you in his words on judgement day " Thank you righteous and truthful faithful believer".

John the Baptist and other disciples were murdered, heads cut off. Jesus took a horrible wicked inhuman torture then died. So we the believers followers faithful can live in heaven alive and  well no pain no grief no suffering surrounded in Gods mercy grace and love.

Heaven? Book of Enoch. Christ: Book of John.
Hear them on YouTube.