Monday, February 11, 2019

Understanding the real true History is crucial to understanding human nature, and the universe and living beings and order of things: periodic table, waves of various forms, physics, order of life its self. A second key element is 'theres nothing NEW under the sun'. I'm speaking here of humans and how they think and their actions. Greed covetness hate love kindness imaginations patience confusion thought process ability to learn and retain knowledge desires and free will. So man  7000, 2000 yrs ago, and today are not any different. The matrix have changed but humans haven't much. What knowledge and emotions drives motivates inspires a person was then and is now.

Truth is stranger than fiction. All those sci-fi movies, love stories, comedies,  and cartoons is called Social Engineering Propaganda creations. To manipulate the human species. Since the time the first "lie" was told " surely you will not die and shall become like gods knowing good and evil" , man's nature became a DNA carrier for a sinful nature. Free will and ears to hear a brain to think many a person strays from Gods teachings aka sin or disobedience. Lies and distortions of truth are tools of fools.

We know:
There's many dimensions called heavens.
There's many different types of god like angel beings "sons of God".
Free will to decide make choice was given to many beings including humankind.
All that was created was created by the Living Words commanded into existence by God Almighty the Father of Creation.
Energy waves come in many different forms into existence by Gods spoken word, from his imagination, and will.
SPACE is not void empty but filled with a basic energy and mass in specific order and formulations which can be explained expressed by math.
Beings of all types expressed as 'being Alive' or 'life forms' includes: souls, ghosts, demons, spirits, angels, humanoids, animals, Jesus and God.

"Made in the image/imagination of God.
Nothing-was created without God.

( an old joke says the devil can create what ever he wills..., but he can not use what God created. He has to create it out of nothingness and using his will expressed by action taken. To this day Satan can only use what God allows him, permission, to do or use of any of his, Gods creation. )

To know truth you have to research the real history of America, and the world. Governments have always partnered with corporations, business owners, and rogue networked organizations. Its nothing new in earth or mankind's history. The fallen angels networked 200 alien demonic beings and came to earth landing on Mt Herman in Israel, not long after Adam and Eve was created by God.

(Psalms 148:2–5; Colossians 1:16): "praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts ... for He "spoke" and they were made. God commanded and they were created ...".

The Nephilum then were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when then the rebellious angels came down onto the earth to take the daughters of humans and the female humans bore children to them. Later they came to be known as the mighty men of old, the men of renown and many became warriors and even kings or rulers. The first mention of these god like beings is in the Hebrew Bible in the Genesis book chapter 6:1–4.

So we have extremely intelligent beings falling away from Gods order of the heavens, coming to the physical universe mating with humans, teaching hidden occult knowledge to humans including seduction techniques, and weaponry as well as masonry and iron forging of metals. And many false religions sprang out inspired by these god like beings. Many of them had taken humanoid forms, animal forms, hybrid mixtures of living beings. The ancient Greek 'myths' are derived from that time period. None of this was in Gods plans or by his will for his human creation. As God walked with Adam for hundreds of years teaching them. And beings came along purposely defining humankind.

So the universe has :
spiritual beings
 alien beings
 angelic beings
 human beings
... kinda co mingled in this bubble of different types of energy formulated in different configurations.

Some people and beings, want to be a superior supreme GODBEING, Some want god like powers, some want to rule and reign. Some want to lead and some want to follow. Some are just lazy. The key here is 'life form's is different from 'spiritual forms by energy and their forms, as that life energy spirit type never dies or disappears into nothingness. The spirit is alive for eternity. Free energy as it never ends for all eternity.

We can see some energy like light and most we can not see at all. Some equipment had has is been being invented to be able to let the human eye see and the brain to interpret the energy being observed. Some energy is machined interpreted on paper graphs monitors etc., expressed by data software.

Reality is there are LAWS AND ORDER. Broken laws causes confusion imbalances chaos destruction. Laws were not made to be broken but for humans to exist not breaking these laws and order.

Families vs a Gay lifestyle. Generally families make new families replenishing earth populations. Gay lifestyles do nothing to contribute in procreation. And in fact spreading sexual diseases it what it contributes the most to society. Disease generally kills the host and partners and spreads into bisexual communities.

Adultery / fornication / sexual promiscuity, causes incredible chaos destruction burdens spreading of diseases and death.

When a society of humans becomes so in disarray and out of order mass destruction follows. The bible records such timely or untimely devastation's. One such calamity recorded by over 120 different cultures is THE GREAT WORLD FLOOD. 

Science and archeology is researching and gathering physical samples and data that is so compelling, it explains the reality of that flood inconclusively. From mass dinosaur graves to plant and animal fossils locations found. Two recent finds includes The Ark boat remains on Mt Ararat in Turkey, and the Mercy Seat Ark of The Covenant in Jerusalem buried in a tomb like cave both recorded in the bible and many books by ancient religious texts, and ancient documents. The Mercy Seat it was discovered to have dried found to be human blood on it. It was sampled and DNA tested. Research that yourself to see the chromosome count it had!