Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Cleaner Non Toxic Sealant Made From Silica Sand

SiO2 Ceramic coatings are the bomb!

      Soon everyone will coat almost everything they own that might get wet or dull or fade over time from the suns rays. Keeping their stuff looking newer looking for years to come.  Si02 Consumer Ceramic Coatings It's Nano Tech Revolutionary!

Things to consider in having our √Check Nano Ceramic Silica glass Coating applied -
Property to be coated, does it sit outside everyday! Is it garaged almost always. Food or children around. Will there be hands and foot traffic. Industrial fall out often) Just some of the factors to consider when choosing a ceramic coating and it's applications.

Try nano silica ceramic coating on cars boats fabrics clothes foot wear glass wood plastics almost anything can be coated with clear nano Ceramic Coating to repel water & fluids to stop corrosion & water damage and block harsh UV rays to stop fading !

Have a skilled installer apply your nano ceramic clear coat to vehicles, marine craft and airplanes or motorcycles, kitchen appliances, bathroom tiles, cabinets, door jambs and furnishings.

Or Buy Hydrosilex and do it yourself !

The key is even total coverage and layering.
Up and down left and right. This crossover pattern inured total coverage and nano- molecular chains lock together during curing dry times. Layering increases longevity and hardness.

Sand can be cleaned away with harsh cleaners. Because of the tight bonding it's completely unnecessary to use cleaners. Use a wet rag and paper towels. Wet basically pushes the gripe dust and dirt into the rag right off the surface. A paper towel picks up the water moisture and any minerals. And your cleaning is done !

 Save hundreds of dollars no longer needing to buy and use such cleaners.

Get a great shine given your item that brand new look every time..The crystalline acts like prisms capturing light rays and sending them back out for a mirror like finish.

Beading is what it does for liquids. Why? Think of trying to push a soft ball down into the holes of your kitchen or bathroom drain. To big is it not? Holes just to small. At the Nano molecular level the silica crystalline sand bonds very tightly yet leaves microscopic holes which is great for wearable and fabrics to breath.

But the water can not penetrate so it sits on top of the surface area covered. Cool ya? No water absorption occurs. Thus waterproofed. Pen ink water oil grime can't get in to the sub layer. No moisture penetration on metals and no corrosion occurs.

Crystalline silica dramatically reduces fading by suns radiation by being a prism minimizing light onto the sub surface. UV is horrible to plastics polymers so cover it with silica sand.

Check out this website: to  Book your installation.
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