Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Billions Are Being Targeted To Die


 The Corporate CEOs have joined forces colluded with International wealthy elite for decades to subvert governments and Laws for their own gains. Their God is money. God said you do not live by bread alone God never lies. Satan is the father of lies and deception. The globalist agenda is to murder 6 billion people on planet earth. Replacing them with high tech robotics that will mimic human beings. So they will obey commands, give programmed allegiance to the master controllers. They will be smarter, faster, stronger, see better, know many many languages fluently. The globalist is tearing down human society by force feeding propaganda ad immorality is political correctness. They know God will destroy all the wicked people. The globalists are destroying people today with toxic Vaccines GMOs toxic water, and chemtrail spraying pollutants everyday over countries.

10 regions given power as Kings. 500 million human slaves many of the finest minds. A New World Order ran as a giant corporation by one CEO Satan and a New World Order religion ran by a false prophet. Remaking the world into Lucifer's image a AI Robot built using high technology to be an idol worshipped by the world. Destroying all that God blessed America with and inspired by God and the Holy Spirit. That's the part non Christians don't understand - we don't live by bread alone. But by every word from Gods mouth are we alive and thriving by his will for his creation. And evil beings be it demons, humans, Aliens, fallen dieties are striving to destroy all of mankind. God will use this destruction in concert to eliminate all the wicked off the face of the earth.


Billions Are Being Targeted To Die. To remake the world. Just when you believe your safe cause you took the Mark Of The Beast chip, Satans military followers will explode them using emp attacks and you will suffer boils and sores and seek death and won't find it. Those who took the mark will be physically exposed for all the world to see. The suffering will be excruciatingly bad. Worse you will find No Forgiveness from Jesus Christ and God. Your sentence had been passed the day you took the chip - of the Mark of the beast international corporation.

Cecile Rhodes, Tragedy & Hope blueprint, Report on Iron Mountain, the NSA War documents, Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, Bilderberger group, Club of Rome, CFR Counsel On Foreign Relations, corruption by the international banker elite, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, the NSA, G Edward Griffin, Naomi Wolfe, Judy Woods, Sophia Smalstorm, Constitutional lawyer Kris Ann Hall,  Deborah Travares, Trey Smith, The Book of Enoch, Tom Horn L A Mazuli, Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Perry Stone, Alex Jones, CERNS, Geo-Engineered weather, toxic Vaccines, fluoridated water, Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, WACO, FBI WTC 1st False Flag bombing, OKC Bombing, Sandyhook Hoax . All  of these you need to research and wake the hell up !

You have to turn off the Mass Media bullshit propaganda false fraud stories and lies. NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN especially.

The recent prophets of today have spoken. Trump will be a 2 term President, Obama will be arrested tried found guilty and he will be stripped of his Presidency title and benefits and go to prison and or will be killed in Israel. Clinton will go to jail. Bill Clinton will die. Thousands of Catholic priests will be arrested and jailed as well as pedophile US politicians, law enforcement and state senators and congressmen. The Vatican will be destroyed, and the scum will take hold of the Muslim sects in Israel making Satans seat in the new temple to be built by 2035 or sooner. WWIII will come. Invasions into America from Alaska and Washington from Florida and from Mexico and Canada. Communists and Muslims and Mexicali and Chinese.

Remember Jesus said they hated me before they hated you. Your faith and blessings is what they can not stand or fathom. You will die sooner than later.  Lucifer in hell is running out of time. He knows he will spend 1000 years in the lake of fire chained and gagged and bound up along with the many spiritual demons and fallen angels and the soon coming giants. God does not lie ! He is warning you. He shows you in Reve!actions and the Book of Enoch everything. He warns us with his Holy Spirit speaking to choose announced prophets. He picks Kings and Presidents.

Your only hope is not gays, or movie stars or tv celebraties, lebianism, political correctness, false preachers and false teachers of other man made religions, or ALIEN beings.  Your only hope is asking for forgiveness, telling God in prayer your a sinner, and ask for his strength to repent from wickedness and obey his Commandments. Yes, the ten commandments.

Billions Are Being Targeted To Die. You and I are of that billion. My faith and acceptance of Jesus is my Savior, my spirit is in the hands of my God and Jesus who is God in the Flesh. I will go to heaven. Will you ?