Thursday, August 16, 2018

911 Movie Loose Change Creator Speaks Openly New Evidence

New World Order - the idea of mad men and the elite psychopaths to take control of all worlds governments resources of all countries and population control of every nation state on the planet. Conquering is what evil does.

Federal Reserve is not federal and is a conglomerate of banking corporations of the world . The goal is to control the economies of society and of its people individuals. It's parent CORPORATION is the IMF and above that the world Bank all under the direction of the UK elitists.

The UNITED STATES INC aka America's federal govt is a corporation under the direction of the UK Crown and it's elitists. Basically a colony of the former King of England.

The Constitution is an agreement between we the people of sovereignty in America with a legal body called the Federal Government, which employees it's leadership by the elections held periodically. Under the War Powers Act Americas Constitution has been suspended. The President is now a dictator in essence. But he must follow International laws based in the treaties signed with NATO as well as The UNITED Nations.

The Bar Association is a corporation and it's members are officers of the courts which are corporations. Ultimately these attorney members falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal corporation THE UNITED STATES INC.

Human beings were created by God Almighty and this has been recognized by humanity since ancient times. The common law is based on Holy Laws and commandments of God. God gave free will and liberty to mankind. Because ever persons human vessel is a body to carry out humans spiritual thought and imagination, humans are sovereign and Kings into themselves and answers to God only.

Because so many humans could not control their actions and imaginations humans perverted their vessels and inspired other people to pervert themselves, thus becoming lawless creatures following and practicing every wicked idea. So God gave humans Kings over them as many people in ancient times requested because of the suffering the people endured under lawlessness. Total power corrupts and Kings became wicked and inspired by fallen messenger deities now called demons. Demons were renamed as such to identify these deities who disobey God, his will, and his Commandments. Wicked, evil, perverted are all synonymous with demonic forces and the breaking or sinning against God the father of creation.

Man will never be able to conquer and finally eliminate war and have utopia peace. Being we live in this physical universe with demons and evil deities like Lucifer a fallen cherub Angele and his followers for they work diligently to pervert mankind's minds and hearts. God is LOVE and everything outside of Gods will and essence is evil.

Humanities only hope of utopia is when he dies his spirit is taken up into Gods heaven where reality is. To have this happen a person must except Gods son Jesus Christ as their Lord and King and brother in love and righteousness. Once you sincerely excepted Jesus you have to stop sinning, and learn to discipline yourself to obey God. This is the only way for your spirit to escape the punishment of hell and live in utopia in heaven. This is the most important goal you should work towards all your life. Invest your time to learn from other true Bible based Christian leadership and to develop prayer conversations with you to God. Seek his truth and history of the bible as you will grow and learn and see a whole new perspective you never knew existed. Learning to do Gods will and his mission given to every Christian - spread the message and help others understand the true hope and gift of salvation given by God because he loves you and loves them.

War, chaos, crimes to humanity will continue so long as governments follow ideologies not of God and thus are lawless. Laws and free will are given to all of humanity. The Bible is a history of God and humanity to know how God interacts with his people. The book of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls share ancient knowledge of God and his interactions with humanity.

With free will we the people need to center our thinking to a righteous standard , not the one that man creates, but a righteousness the God of heaven tells us of. Sadly the masses not just the majority but the expanse of the masses will follow false doctrines false ideologies and people of evil thought in authority.

You have to be willing to lose your life for Christ and God the father and be that leader for God on earth and in your network. This is how CHANGE WILL come about. The only way.

As the governments at all levels have been infiltrated with wicked minds and wicked hearted people, the landscape of America has changed dramatically. God through his prophets of past and of today remind us the power to change is backed by Gods will for humanity. He will strengthen a person spiritually with his Holy spirit.

Your not going to live on earth forever. Your time here is very short compared to eternity. And you CNA make a real difference on earth. Get God centered and get his powerful spirit that will support and protect you. Get his message of salvation out, so others will grasp the hope and the truth. The rules are set in stone by God. Learn them, follow them, be on his team. Then real change for good will happen.

Leaders, wealthy elitists, luciferians, Satanists the godless, are all against God and his truth and rules. And at the end of their life they will go directly to hell. It's Gods choice to have Jesus save them and pull them from hell or not. He's the only judge of a man's spirit. So leave that up to him and just concentrate on your Chrisy Holy Mission.

Change your perspective through embracing the holy words and knowledge given to humanity and is easily available today with the Internet. The most credible threat is govt and it's following of the demonic forces and ideologies in this world.

Infiltrate politics with conservative Christians.

Downsize govt and reduce its satanic foot prints in your city and state.

Eliminate government money taking in your city and state.

Balance your States budgets.

Don't allow your nation State to become a California Swamp filled with illegal immigrants who suck off the welfare socialism system.

Kill all Federal influence in your city and State.

Research political candidates well and Vote only for vetted conservative Republicans and or Independents. Anyone friends or doing most of their business with leftist Marxist tyrannical corporations should never be considered for public office.

Never put in a person in your city administration who comes from another Liberal State. Regardless of their credentials their heart and mind is twisted and loyal to the satanic Federal Government and corporations.

Today's climate is chaos division disrespect lack of real listening and understanding. The people are flooded with propaganda and false flag operations of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, ATF, DHS, TSA and the military. All under the corporate National Security Umbrella. Replacing the Establishment Politicians with conservatives is the only way to stop the NEW WOLRD ORDER GLOBALISTS who seek to take away your rights, your self protection as gun owners, so they can steal your wealth and land and then discard you and even kill you.

Their agenda in thousands of documents is clear - run America like France, Sweden, China. Because the International Bankers and Corporate heads own almost everything. And bribe and exthort other politicians and ceos and management with raises and power. Some of the stupidest immoral people are running corporations today. They follow evil blindly because they are souless and godless and fear only their bosses and the government.

Your government covers up all illegal activity they perpetuate - a lawless government who doesn't give a damn about the Constitutional Laws or statutues or ordinances. They are not government leaders but criminals and corrupted with wealth and sins. The true enemy of the American people is the corporate governement. They are continuing to terrorize the American people in so many cities. Ever notice most terror false flags attacks happen in Liberal progressive citites and States? Under secrecy and compartmentalisation their agenda is successful. Bombing churches or buildings or mass murders these are how they fuel fear in society so you the sheep will it to obey their govt bought bribed masters. And question nothing of value.

Cover up has become the standard operating procedure of all corporate governements to cover the backs and criminality of the FBI CIA and people in the Law Enforcement who are criminals. By placing their CIA operatives in corporate law enforcement as well as corporate retail and businesses and contractors, these totally corrupt leaders are controlling society as a whole. The Federal Government is at War with Americans. And by allowing illegal Monopolies and conglomerates to merge companies they become giant snakes into massive dragons and are extremely dangerous. People literally have to work as slaves to satans corporate world dragons.

Borderless America is what these globalists want. And with America in bankruptcy, signed jurisdiction by treaty over to the UNITED NATIONS, we the people have lost at privacy and property ownership completely. Everyone is paying Rent.